I wish our GMT were same.
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
I'm GMT -8 ;^;

Also nice spar Juani.

I realized only about 5 people talk on the skype chat. Where are you guys? ;-;
Also known as CombatBot
Well, in my case I always forget about the chat, and if I remember I read some of your messages but Idk what to say :S

Parkour • Spar • Skating
I'm GMT+ 10 so I never see anyone when I play ;~; btw, my Skype is Jourdan.chiu1. Add me if u want
Shhhh............can you hear the screams?
Originally Posted by DiabolicPanda View Post
I'm GMT+ 10 so I never see anyone when I play ;~; btw, my Skype is Jourdan.chiu1. Add me if u want

Sad you're like secret agent in our clan.none of our member have seen you playing in game 🎮 I think so.
Xson Moderated Message:
Sexy Boy.
nice kicks fragray. i joined 2008 and i'm only 6thdan. monkeyapex started 20013 and is 9th.
DiabolicPanda your is the same as mine. though i haven't seen you in game before. its nice to know i'm not the only one
also i've been starting to use inside trips when i can. i have now learnt how to string them together.its great in conjunction with forcing a self grab.
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