Yeah, I suppose you are right.

Should we stop recruiting via in game test now, and start doing just application based entries?
Origin For Life
in game tests where suppose to help with apps maybe we should just go back to it being like that

just a suggestion
About Myself

Hello! my name is Bryce (you can call me BC for shorter) i am 14 born in march, 8 2002. I'm a active guy in life, i played football basketball soccer even baseball!!. I'm america have a little Indian in me but mostly i'm white. i was born and raised in america Oklahoma. i love natural disasters and what they can do it makes me think wow!! its so in-trusting. the most things i love to do is swimming and just enjoying life, and to keep me going and just adventuring in this world is that you can loose your life like a snap of a finger. I have not been best in school but i try to be, my parents are divorce and i have 2 brothers 1 sister. My mom is the person i look up too. I love to hang with friends and just talk. So lets talk about Toribash, i been playing for around 4 years!! but sadly my accounts been taking off i assume because i had broken a lot of computers due to my Imatureness when i was young.

Toribash, Gaming, Abilities
So my favorite gamemode is akido but i can play tons of other game-modes, but the most fun one for me is mushu-boxshu, because i can do flips tricks and its fun to rub!! blood!! on your opponent!!! < evil said of me I don't play tons of game-modes but i'm a fast learner and i'm right now learning to be awesome at big akido. I don't have that much to say in talking, So best to know me is how i play .

Why I Should Be In Origin

Why i should be in Origin is that i'm very active (NOW) Also i play with game with passion and for toribash you have to love this game to be the BIG DOG in the game. I love to be nice, Talkative, Also i love to be me.
(sorry if i'm lacking applications, ill get better)

Thank you so much for your time and i love you have a amazing night or day. Much!! love!!

sincerely Bryce
you did not include the information required by the first post that if you read it you will clearly see it

it was a good app and it did have a lot of info but i still would like people to read the first post before they write an app

but since apparently others dont care about that im neutral
Last edited by Karen; May 17, 2016 at 05:47 PM. Reason: what primal said
Cat, you can't say no just like that. You have to get input from the other members before finally deciding lmfao.

Anyways, bc...

Your app wasn't all that bad. Admittedly, you didn't read the first post, but you still gave us a lot of information about yourself as a person.

That's the point of an application, not to see how much you can brag about yourself and your skills, but to tell us about you as a person.

My vote is a yes for him.
Origin For Life
Originally Posted by bc1112223 View Post
About Myself

Hello! my name is Bryce (you can call me BC for shorter) i am 14 born in march, 8 2002. I'm a active guy in life, i played football basketball soccer even baseball!!. I'm america have a little Indian in me but mostly i'm white. i was born and raised in america Oklahoma. i love natural disasters and what they can do it makes me think wow!! its so in-trusting. the most things i love to do is swimming and just enjoying life, and to keep me going and just adventuring in this world is that you can loose your life like a snap of a finger. I have not been best in school but i try to be, my parents are divorce and i have 2 brothers 1 sister. My mom is the person i look up too. I love to hang with friends and just talk. So lets talk about Toribash, i been playing for around 4 years!! but sadly my accounts been taking off i assume because i had broken a lot of computers due to my Imatureness when i was young.

Toribash, Gaming, Abilities
So my favorite gamemode is akido but i can play tons of other game-modes, but the most fun one for me is mushu-boxshu, because i can do flips tricks and its fun to rub!! blood!! on your opponent!!! < evil said of me I don't play tons of game-modes but i'm a fast learner and i'm right now learning to be awesome at big akido. I don't have that much to say in talking, So best to know me is how i play .

Why I Should Be In Origin

Why i should be in Origin is that i'm very active (NOW) Also i play with game with passion and for toribash you have to love this game to be the BIG DOG in the game. I love to be nice, Talkative, Also i love to be me.
(sorry if i'm lacking applications, ill get better)

Thank you so much for your time and i love you have a amazing night or day. Much!! love!!

sincerely Bryce

Yes, Because, Primal reasons.
Originally Posted by bc1112223 View Post
About Myself

Hello! my name is Bryce (you can call me BC for shorter) i am 14 born in march, 8 2002. I'm a active guy in life, i played football basketball soccer even baseball!!. I'm america have a little Indian in me but mostly i'm white. i was born and raised in america Oklahoma. i love natural disasters and what they can do it makes me think wow!! its so in-trusting. the most things i love to do is swimming and just enjoying life, and to keep me going and just adventuring in this world is that you can loose your life like a snap of a finger. I have not been best in school but i try to be, my parents are divorce and i have 2 brothers 1 sister. My mom is the person i look up too. I love to hang with friends and just talk. So lets talk about Toribash, i been playing for around 4 years!! but sadly my accounts been taking off i assume because i had broken a lot of computers due to my Imatureness when i was young.

Toribash, Gaming, Abilities
So my favorite gamemode is akido but i can play tons of other game-modes, but the most fun one for me is mushu-boxshu, because i can do flips tricks and its fun to rub!! blood!! on your opponent!!! < evil said of me I don't play tons of game-modes but i'm a fast learner and i'm right now learning to be awesome at big akido. I don't have that much to say in talking, So best to know me is how i play .

Why I Should Be In Origin

Why i should be in Origin is that i'm very active (NOW) Also i play with game with passion and for toribash you have to love this game to be the BIG DOG in the game. I love to be nice, Talkative, Also i love to be me.
(sorry if i'm lacking applications, ill get better)

Thank you so much for your time and i love you have a amazing night or day. Much!! love!!

sincerely Bryce

Good app and you passed the test in game. So I vote yes.

Things that bother me...
You didn't read the first post even after I told you to (twice) right before you made your app. When I first met you, you were a sketchy white belt that wouldn't tell me your main account and lied to me multiple times about it. Then after that, with your main you got tested 2-3 days later after I denied you.

Despite all of that I welcome you to this clan. But do anything like that again, I will kick you myself.
wowzaa3's application
I'm going to give it to you straight, i'm terrible with applications i was being tested by cat4hbk and then when he told me i had to write an app my heart dropped, i would really like to be in origin so please, please, please, excuse any errors i make.

A little about me ya know for shit's and giggles
well, im going to make this short, because im not into life stories, i was born in washington state in the united states of america, then i moved to italy for 3 years, i lived in venice ad let me tell you, it's gorgeous, i am 13, my mom is currently divorced, so if im not on it's because im with my mom, she means the world to me,i currently live in connecticut, lastly im about as shy as you get, but i live in my writing, just i im not good at telling my actual stories, so i make up fake one *hint hint* (stole that from your recruitment thing #wrong context) why i usually make clan stories.

me ingame and how i could contribute to the clan
I usually play any mod iwht grappling, greykido is my favorite, ABD is the one im great at though i am on daily, unless im in trouble for something, on forums im on when im needed. i can contribute to the clan by helping people who aren't as good as me which i assume aren't many because, well this is origin.

where did i find origin and why iwant to join
well i found toribash on origin and i want to join origin because it's origin haha terrible joke right? hehe
the part about finding Origin is thee truth but the part about me joining origin is a lie, firstly i want to join origin because i see your members on and whenever i talk to them they are usually nice except for one guy who called me an alt when i kicked his butt i will not say his/her name because i'd feel bad if he/she got kicked, besides that you guys are amazing all in all i want to join orgin for that reason alone, but wait there's more! origin is a legendary clan, i want to be part of that legend, whether im a minority or major, i dont care because it's origin, i know that sounds cheesy but that is the truth

purple monkeys run wild in the red forest
-_- seriously guys, nice *applause*
Last edited by wowzaa3; May 17, 2016 at 10:11 PM. Reason: typo i saw im nervous as sheet
hmm its a bit jumbled up and a little confusing at some parts but over all its an okay app you also read the post and put a good bit of info in your app the one thing i will comment on directly is why are you an alt and not on your main?

also you did great in your test
i will give it a yes but i would like to see why you are an alt
Last edited by Karen; May 17, 2016 at 10:19 PM. Reason: forgot a line XD