Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Rhaemondzzzkie View Post
Sorry we don't need a recruiter atm, and your age is a bit low. lol
but you do have potential, and I like your decent english, yes from me. Can anyone test him though? Post your comments here after you've tested him; maybe it can change the decisions of the other guys.
Also please please please join the skype chat other people who haven't joined yet :v

Tested him he is good
1: I'm already recruiter, so we've got that down, and if that's really all you want to contribute...
2: no work at all put into the app whatsoever
3: age problems
4: replays
5 : wants to join as we're great people, yet he didn't ever talk to any of us as nobody suggested him...

absolute no from me
The Game Is Broken - Foxy
Originally Posted by Raindz View Post
Alright ^^

No please don't post things like this this looks spammy :v
Just please be patient you're still under discussion ~Rhaemond

Trial. Invite sent.
Mess anything out and your chances of being full are out of the window.

BigRed: Sorry man, you've been rejected :/
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
So two questions... Am I rejected or on trial or what? Do I have chance to re-app?
A purpose in life is a life with a purpose. What's the point of living a life that is worthless

Originally Posted by KrispKrack View Post
1: I'm already recruiter, so we've got that down, and if that's really all you want to contribute...
2: no work at all put into the app whatsoever
3: age problems
4: replays
5 : wants to join as we're great people, yet he didn't ever talk to any of us as nobody suggested him...

absolute no from me

Originally Posted by Rhaemondzzzkie View Post

BigRed: Sorry man, you've been rejected :/

The Game Is Broken - Foxy
Can I re-app In a few week or months?

Oh to Krisp

1: I'm already recruiter, so we've got that down, and if that's really all you want to contribute... - that's what I'd prefer to contribute, I can do something else
2: no work at all put into the app whatsoever - Well what else was there to put?
3: age problems - Is there a problem with me Being 12? Can a 12 year old not be mature?
4: replays - What about them?
5 : wants to join as we're great people, yet he didn't ever talk to any of us as nobody suggested him... - talked to some, observed some...

Not arguing just stating my point of view

Don't want to make any enemies
Last edited by BigRed3000; Jun 1, 2015 at 08:26 AM.
A purpose in life is a life with a purpose. What's the point of living a life that is worthless
to big:

1: that's what I'd prefer to contribute, I can do something else. - we never asked what you can, we asked what you wanted. that's the only thing you want to contribute as you said in your app. moving on.
2: Well what else was there to put? - a lot. every answer was a yes or no, or a direct answer. absolutely no effort. this isn't your school so this isn't your 1st grade test. you don't just tell us the answer, you tell us about the answer and why the answer is what it is, like a "matured" person would
3: Is there a problem with me Being 12? Can a 12 year old not be mature? - your app and response haven't helped your case in the slightest. maturity and brains come with age, you're lacking of all three. there's a reason we have an age limit
4: replays - What about them? - ...do i really have to answer this one?... what do you mean what about them? the only thing that it could possibly be about, which is the quality of the replays...and because i said the replays were a reason i denied you, it should be obvious
5 : talked to some, observed some... - then you should have put that down when we asked about it
Last edited by Krisp; Jun 1, 2015 at 09:03 AM.
The Game Is Broken - Foxy
I'm sorry... I didn't mean to sound like a dick or anything... I was just stating my point of view
Last edited by BigRed3000; Jun 1, 2015 at 09:07 AM.
A purpose in life is a life with a purpose. What's the point of living a life that is worthless