We don't exactly hate people if we don't want them in our clan, it's more along the aspect of we'd have some issues with people who wouldn't really fit within our clan.
Sold my dog to join RRO
name: wickde
age: 34
locatioN: ur moms bed
why u want to join: because u want me
belt: leather
who would vouch for u: everyone
age: 34
hey ok so i got permission to judge your application wickde
first of all
ocean fuck off you huge loser faggot, no one likes you
also for wickde i say sure seems kinda cool but i dont have much reason to so if i change my mind im going to join atlantic for ten seconds to kick you from the clan
thanks twaggot
ok btw I've basically been in every decent clan ever yenno pirates, evil, C3, knorseklan (founded by me and slybash, later became obey), fresh (founded by me, slybash and pal) and ehm I've been in Atlantic twice before this anyway so this'll be my third time
just because I don't stay in clans for more than a week doesn't make me a clan hopper
also I was the official unibash judo teacher for a year and also trial msquad
I expect my invite any minute now
ps lied about the squad part
Last edited by Wicked; Jan 5, 2014 at 10:55 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump