This isn't a fight wolf. We just have no choice but to figure out everything about him because of his history.

I'm sorry link8 but we cant have someone that has applied to alot of clans and was in alot of clans before knowing everything about it.

I'm still searching around.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Well I asked what clan should I apply for next and you said that so you were saying for me to join secret. Sorry bro I shouldn't have applied so soon . EDIT: EJM I was a fool back then I didn't know anything abot the forums at all. so I will tell you ALL the clans I have been in and the ones I have applied for. Clans I was in:WOA Poison Wicked DaF Extreme Toast knotz warriorsdevil KiLa Empire Fearless. Clans I applied for: JollyR Urban Aeon, Omega Alantic ZERO(But I deleted my app). Alpha CW Elite Evil Hunters RAWR and Torigod. Sorry sometimes other stress like this having to answer all these questions I forget things. I have allot of things on my mind, Please don't blame me.
Last edited by link8; May 18, 2011 at 10:05 PM.
Originally Posted by link8 View Post
Well I asked what clan should I apply for next and you said that so you were saying for me to join secret. Sorry bro I shouldn't have applied so soon .

Wrong. You told me "What clan should I apply for?" I told you that I love my clan, [Secret], because they respect me and treat me like a person unlike some of the other clan I have been in.

And EJM: I understand, but how will Teague feel if he comes on to see 3 pages of pure flaming of someone you could have just said flat out "no" to?
Look guys what's done is done and
EJ has a point there your going to accept some1 who has a long history without knowing a thing about it
So I can see why he dug up that info about my game bro link8
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

and then you said: All I'm saying is pick up your attitude a bit and you MIGHT get into Secret. Its not a bad clan and a lot of people ask us to join all the time so. Saying I should join secret.
Look I think You should just stop and wait for the vote to finish
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by WolfIce View Post
And EJM: I understand, but how will Teague feel if he comes on to see 3 pages of pure flaming of someone you could have just said flat out "no" to?

You dont have to worry about teague. We couldn't have said a flat out "no" before we know everything about his history. If we would've just said "no" that would be against link8's rights. He deserves an explanation on why we said no and we should have a very good reason about why we said "no". This isn't called flaming, this was all just to know the results. Let's just wait for other votes but I doubt that'll change anything.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Sorry for posting bro but ^ I agree with that it is always good to know about someone before just rejecting them.
Ok this whole drama between if wolfe suggested link to join secret or not is completely irrelevant and it honestly doesn't matter, it's just turning this thread into a discussion which it is not supposed to be.
so the next person to post about it will be reprimanded.

And I agree with EJM, we're not flaming him, we're grilling him.
Anyhow my vote is no.
ex [Secret] Guardian - [OLDA]