Glad you like it.

Why am I up at this hour. Why are you? What time is it where you are, fluffs? o.o

Scratch that. I'm moving that to the daily life thread or someplace.
I know that song<3
Omg, let me join in.

My girlfriend love porcelain and the tramps<3
I have no doubt that I would like that transparent song if I was an angsty girl.

I'm not mocking it, I thought it was pretty interesting.

But after listening to Sigur Ros, I feel like every other song is devoid of a certain 'happy' feeling.
Puff is very tuned to emotions. I'm just like I rather like this even though it's goofy.

Waiiit. Does that mean I'm an angsty girl? AHHH

The... the... thhuh. Hmm, that is strange. I went and googled Sigur Ros and I think you're right.
Last edited by Acavado; Nov 27, 2011 at 02:07 PM.
Staralfur is like the happiest song in my eyes...

I only care about emotions and stuff so much because my intelligence is mostly Interpersonal.... So I'm not so good at maths, but I can talk to people and understand their personality fairly easy.