He's on his 1227th post.

Anyways, welcome to the clan and hope you enjoy it here!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Yeah. Enjoy your stay and take time to get to know us more.

I wish I can remember my 1,337'th post. But I seriously can't figure out why people use numbers like 69, 1337 and 666. It's hard to tell why they're using improper numbers like that.

I know what they mean, but they keep explaining it in an awkward way.
I see I'm still on your sig, Omega. Also, what does 1337 mean? I don't even really know.

Also, thank you for the welcomes. I was shocked I was allowed in. I'm a bit rusty ingame so when I was playing with a few members I was the worst one there. Anyways, I guess they all decided to give me a chance.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
1337 is a lucky number.

Yes, you're not given a chance to me, you're given a friendship.
I simply think you're in my sig because of that PM of jealousy.

You might be a little surprised, but we all know you can wet all of your rust off and do better. Might not seem possible because you have been playing least often, but even so, you can accomplish skill and reclaim it. Speaking of... We should go play when we're both on, eh?
Now? I'm on also, check my replays on the replay thread for the clan. If you're able to go ingame now.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
I think 1337 has something to do with an old hacking group, or program, something to do with that, I don't know to much about it, but I know it translates into 'leet'.
1337 > Leet
And Leet was derived from elite. Leetspeak comes from the hacking subculture, it was popular back in the day. It mostly replaces the existing symbols by using numbers or several other symbols to represent them. Some of them used to write like that all the time, perhaps in an attempt to cypher what they were talking about. If you say "I just found an exploit in the implementation of", everyone could easily read that without effort. But if you write it like "1 jU$7 Ph0U|\|D 4|\| 3><PL017 1|\| 7|-|3 1/\/\PL3/\/\3|\|74710|\| 0Ph", it would be meaningless garbage to anyone that wasn't familiar with the concept. Of course, there are several ways to replace certain symbols, so you could never be sure the other person could understand what you were saying if he wasn't familiar with your favorite replacements.

Dog could become |)0(+, alternating could become 4L73R|\|471|\|9, alias could become @L14$, virus could become \/1R|_|5, etc.

Not sure how 1337 is a lucky number, it's more of a meme at this point
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
That just made total sense. Well, I mean, now I understan, I would have never guessed any of that but it seems as though those old hackers were pretty good thinkers and to be able to understand all of those words with different symbols, also, having to recognize any new ones and being able to read all of the combonations of numbers/symbols. Anyways, if you know, whatever happened to them? Now that we are on this topic I very much enjoy it.

Off of this topic, I would like you guys to check out my replays on the replay thread and maybe do a little CnCing. I'd like to know more of what I need to work on then good points because I'm trying to get better. Don't sugarcoat it, and one more question, why are alot of the threads not so active? o:
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
A lot of the threads are not that active because we really hate spam, and I'd rather they be inactive than them being full of spam and offtopic things. You can post in any of them as long as you post things that are relevant, and we'll respond in a similar manner.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Ah, I was just curios. Also, no need for me to post in any of them at the moment.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.