Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Plus I am proving to many how OP hybrid teemo really is. Fivah saw 1st hand. ;p
No masteries no runes and still wrecks.

They need to finally implement NA to EU account Tranfers.
They say its not possible but that just means there coders fail to even try.

AP Teemo is better.
ASAP Teemo is scary on the PBE. Hurricane + Malady > Pure AP = terror
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Nocturne sucks with AP, j/s. Even trying to combo his abilities, he's not a good AP type. I built him with AD and attack speed, boots of swiftness. Goes down well.
Shinigami Chop!
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
Nocturne sucks with AP, j/s. Even trying to combo his abilities, he's not a good AP type. I built him with AD and attack speed, boots of swiftness. Goes down well.

Nocturne has 2 build paths:

1. Assassin - Build Damage and Attack Speed; Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Blood Thirster, Ghostblade
2. Bruiser - Build Defence and Damage; Frozen Mallet, Randuins Omen, Maw of Malmortius

Bruiser is better in the current meta due to his ult's jump into the fray. He is mainly used for initiation/disorientation with his ultimate's secondary effect of darkness.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
I had a game where I built ahri with sorcerer's shoes and 4 deathcaps. Craziest AP ever.
I don't play much with nocturne, and when I do I roughly follow that assassin build you're talking about
Shinigami Chop!
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
I prefer Criturne!
Critival Nocturne! So OP!

Also to get better at the game it is imperative you ignore Toon.
^ :3
Bruiser nocturne is probably the best to be honest ;p, Playing him assasin doesnt help your team as much usually because you cant really initiate with your ult without dying in 3 seconds
♥ mushu♥