no problem darressii,

I dont want a story like our original one or i wouldnt be changing it now would i forever?
Wombo Combooooooo
Originally Posted by thejesut View Post
I'll write a short story later :P See if you like it.

I can write stories, here let me give you a quick tast of something I'm working on. its called: the minds eye. (also this is the first chapter btw, and its still not done yet.)


The smell of death filled the air, screams of the tormented and punished echo through the dead of the night, piercing the very souls of those who come within distains. These are the thoughts that run through my mind, god I hate this place, the empty corridors with only silence for company, seeing monsters and demons in the mind’s eye.

It’s sad to say I call this place home, my only friends here are me and... Me. Regularly the men in white coats will come and inject me in my sleep, well at least that’s what they think, I’ve been awake to feel every needle tare through my skin even the liquid flow into my veins, but I’ll never stop them. Some get taken into the room, the shock room they call it, people go in and calls for help come out as the electric causes through their skulls and their memories turning them into lifeless shell’s having to be spoon fed soup and left to sit in their own waste for the rest of their lives or at least till the men feel they don’t deserve to live anymore.

I was never liked when I was a child, no one really got me, my mum was a drunk and a drug addict, I’d come home every night to find here past out on her bed or in the kitchen seriously injured. I cried, yes of cores I cried it was the only way I could feel normal, I didn’t have a dad to turn to since he ran off to America with some rich woman, leaving us, my mum, me and Fred. I never really liked Fred, he wasn’t never better than me in anyway, my mum couldn’t look after him so I had too, I had got used to the crying and the constant feeding, changing was a problem because mother would rarely get out the house to go shopping for food or supplies for the baby, we would go days without food I was sure Fred was near death from malnourishment.

Some people came round once saying they were going to take me and Fred away from mum, I didn’t know how to feel that day, was I that hurt as a child that I would happily leave my mum and baby brother behind... I still question myself every day, thinking is what I do a lot here it helps block out the screams of the people being punished. Yes... it’s sad to say we were going to be taken away , they had given her a week to spend some time with us, say her farewells and over all try to make up for the monster she had become. I still had school, that’s the liar’s title they give it, I would just sit and watch the masked faces of my tormentors, and we all hide behind lies don’t we, we all make out we’re something great, something others can like and accept, but in the end your only lying to yourself. In the end I was found out, the truth was told. They laughed, oh god they laughed, they heckled me, chased me, got into big groups and pushed me to the ground and kicked, and kicked, kicked... leaving me there on the clod hard ground, help never came, when dose help ever come for me, I lay there choking on my own blood, my face had been bruised so much they had bled and ripped open, they still laughed and carried on, I’d curl up in my own defence, but the nightmare still continued!

No I can’t take this anymore.
My childhood was a mess no one cared for me, who would care for me. I had to leave, I just... I had to escape the nightmare I called life, I hid for days living of scraps left in the bin the bins I slept behind, I would constantly think about myself and what was I doing. Who was I, just a kid with no future, no hope and no family to go home too, I had never felt so scared in my life, I would fall asleep to the sounds of fighting, traffic and drug dealing, I’d curl up in fear when the sounds of the outside world got to close to my grim hiding place.

The day came when I had to return home, the amount of time I had spent away from intelligent life had given me a cold hard shell and looking a little scruffy. I expected to come home to smiling faces, I mean they loved me right, like families should do, when I got back to our dark, grim flat I knocked on the door, I was hoping someone would answer even if it was a staggering, broken mum. I knocked again a bit louder this time hoping to wake her or Fred up, I put my ear against the door; I could feel discomfort creeping over me. Fred would have been crying as he always dose if he was there, I called out a few times and then tried to turn the door handle, the door swings open leaving me staring into the gloomy flat, the smell that’s what I remember, that pungent smell of decay. My heart sank into the pits of my dark unfed stomach; I stood outside fighting with myself, trying to force myself to step into my own personal nightmare... the hairs stood up on the back of my neck as I took the first step, the blood freezing cold lashed out at me the further I venture. The buzz of flies masked the sound of my breaths, the same as I masked my nose with my arm in an attempt to block out the sickening, vial smell of death. I drag myself into the room, only to see the rotting corps of my mother, the bed was soaked in her blood, flaps of skin hang loosely from her wrists, and the blood had congealed on her dull lifeless hands leaving them in a scabby cold mess. Why?I didn’t know what to do with myself, maybe... just maybe Fred was alive, I wish I hadn’t got my hopes up at that point, because now there’s no hope for me. The moment I saw Fred’s cold dead body just laying there untouched, unbroken and unloved in the silent hallway, mocking me, cutting me on the inside, my heart... my heart was nothing, it felt as if it has shattered into a hundred of tiny glass pieces and was now shredding away at me, like I had swallowed a razorblade and let the rusted steal slide down my throat.

No this is not my nightmare it’s theirs, what do they want, love? No one deserves love anymore, if I can’t have then no one should. The screaming, all I could hear was the screaming and I still do.

what do you think guys?
Leader of nothing
hey fluxypony that video is good and your story is great but I only want to know why (I wish I was a tree)?? It's not a good thing you couldn't move, you would just make chemical operations and photosynthesis and then someone would eat your fruits If you were a tree, I think it would be better If it was (wish I was a bird)
Speak the truth......But leave immediately after
working on the story take time to think of things though, sounds like something id write its a dark story but i dont think it should be that dark for a clan story.
Wombo Combooooooo
hey i'm going to be inactive for a few days I have some personal things I need to deal with so try not to miss me too much.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
hello all i am back and im personally asking everyone to get posting up caus were so close to the final 100 and when we get there i want to apply kk and ill write a stry in a bit but like i said poet not writter:Pv
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
dont worry about it biggems i already have one coming.
WAIT NO FAWKKKKK i restarted my comp withought saving it =_=......


Edit: what a minute i sent a preview to kimo so ill just go off of that, yush my work is not lost.
Last edited by swiftone1; Oct 19, 2012 at 02:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Wombo Combooooooo