Originally Posted by fogle View Post
Sahee doesnt love me, so i edited this post to lessen the damage i did with my spammage D::::::=

Your last rants here were valuable, you should keep them as they were and keep posting them till you find yourself getting shot at. Then duck in cover, or just follow the instruction of the guy with gun. Usually good way to see the next dawn.

Originally Posted by Sahee View Post
Seems like I'll need to change the old posts to something more readable. like "gtfo".

Originally Posted by bumbasher1
So does that mean im in? (Y/N)


...intelligent people...

To apply for a new brain, call 0-555-BRAIN, or browse the e-bay. Woops, now you need to apply for a lost dignity too;/.

Anyway dude, how could you get that as an invitation to join the clan ;P. A (bleep)ing selective understanding ;P.

Originally you were asked to check out first post here, but now...
you're asked to leave, and you're officially announced to be a HP (Hopeless Person).
*stamps his forehead with a HP stamp*. Neeeext!

It seems, it's not a place to apply for clan anymore. It's a (bleep)ing reading/intelligence test for toddlers and dim-witted mentally disabled beings, or playground for the mean. How can we change it? Read a motherfreaking first post, or I shall feast upon thy flesh! ...situation is hopeless... but entertaining :P. Yo'!
Last edited by Sahee; Dec 6, 2008 at 04:10 AM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
If you can change the title of the thread, include *read first post* or something, but er... not sure if it would help some of these people >.>
[A L P H A]
For your information i absolutely read the first post, a mater of fact i read it twice to fully understand your random nonsense of speech.
Originally Posted by scheczudio View Post
You read the first post twice and still no replays? Game over.

Touche O:! But eh, still he claims he "absolutely" read it. Now that's a nonsense :P.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Originally Posted by bumbasher1 View Post
For your information i absolutely read the first post, a mater of fact i read it twice to fully understand your random nonsense of speech.

[A L P H A]
lol scheczudio.... im saving that pic to my computer... and sahee, when u said GTFO i thought u were talking to me, thats why i edited it D-=, im happy u were saying it to the OTHER retard =D

the youth gets more stupid within the days ;p now they dont know the difference of get the (bleep) out and get the (bleep) in... + some people are unable to read
But why's the rum gone? :v
Go easy on him, he had enough ;). And I'm serious, there should be some bounds :P finally.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Middle English, from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French, from Late Latin compassion-, compassio, from compati to sympathize, from Latin com- + pati to bear, suffer — more at patient
14th century
: sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it
