Looks like WOA didn't have spam. Care to explain this?

The clan members were trying to vote link1020 (AKA link8 ) out of the clan, and he was the leader too.
And this is just WOA, I cant wait to see other clans.

You dont want me to find more now do you? Give me reasonnable explanation for these and I might give you a chance (that is if I dont find anything else).

And what Satsu posted.

And explain this too please. It didn't let me go into the thread though.
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Last edited by EJM; May 18, 2011 at 09:15 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Oh this should be interesting, nice find EJM.

Please, explain Link8.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Originally Posted by link8 View Post
Name: link8

Belt: 6th Dan Black Belt

Mods: Aikido Aikidobigdojo Twinswords Tk Kickboxing Lenshu Ninjutsu.

Clan History: Knotz warriorsdevil KiLa empire WOA poison fearless Extreme.

Who recruited you: Well, I asked wolfice what clan should I apply for and he told me I Might get in secret, he also told me that it is a good clan so. Yea wolfice.

Reason For applying: Wolfice told me how much of a great clan it was and some of my friends are in here .

Do you have skype?: No

Other: Well Reason for leaving the clans: Knotz died. Warriorsdevil died. KiLa was to inactive, I tried to increases it's activity but it didn't work. WOA had to much spam. Poison died after mike227 got banned. Fearless died from having to many trollers and to many dislikes. Empire died. Extreme died from the hack.

2 Multilayer Replays of aikido (relaxed fighting style) Ehhh..My computer got a virus, but I will try to find some old one's.... There.
"I have read and will abide by the rules of Secret' list.": Yes (yes/no)

"I have a black belt or higher and 50+ post": Yes (yes/no)

This is one long app bro
And In defense to Extreme we never died when we got hacked I just had to start over
Now about this app of yours
Well I cant say your gonna fit in here well you might but starting from here I dont think you will
Not from what I see in the previous pages
I think just comeback at another time
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Ok explain what linkhunter said link8 (thx linkhunter).

Aaanndd Why didn't you include WOA in this app?
And why didn't you tell us that you were in toast?

This is getting fun for me :3

EDIT : And thx for what happened about urban apollo.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Apollo No wolfice told me it was a good clan and said I should join it so I did. Linkhunter: Well dude it was a long time since you had remade it so I thought it was dead the DSC wasn't up anymore so it did die from the hack. EDIT: O I'm sorry about that I forgot about WOA. WOA was a fail it had to much spam so I had to close it. EDIT: And about extreme I didn't hear from anyone in it no one pmed me or anything thats another reason why I knew it died. EDIT: About the thing about mamakal he is my friend and was mad because I posted in wibbles and it was a poll about him giving me 1k if tertywerty called me a sexy beast. After talking with him in IRC I stopped posting in wibbles, I realized it was nothing but a troll house making more people into trolls. Also I am very sorry for not including WOA in the app I forgot about it >.<.
Last edited by link8; May 18, 2011 at 09:32 PM.
heh heh, this will be a great read when I get back. You guys can handle this, it's obvious what's going to happen anyways.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
No from me.
Inq | GM | ORMO | Replay Thread
Need help with anything? PM me
Beta | Orko | Uric | Vodka | Aj | Ed | Firebolty | EJM | ChuckNinja
<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
EJM wants me to change my name back. What say you, folks?
Um again about apollo. This clan wasn't my second choice. I only wanted to join this clan because wolfice told me it was a good clan and said I should join it. You guys were not my second choice. EDIT: Thanks assazin for finally making a vote from me. EDIT again...: did you even look through WOA EJM? It did have spam. Also about the kooky thing, he had heard that I had scammed and that I did allot of other things.(Which is not true) And wanted to take over my clan. I forgave him qithout question tho. I could had reported him and got him banned for trying to over take my clan but I didn't. Because I'm a good guy. O_O I WAS IN TOAST? I forgot sorry. EDIT: About hunters I was a fool back then to actually argue in someone eles forum....I know better now.
Last edited by link8; May 18, 2011 at 09:50 PM.
Look. I have had enough of this. I said this:

"If you pick up your attitude and become a little more humble, I think you can get in to any clan. I am in Secret, and I like it because I find that I have much in common with the members. I probably won't be leaving this clan too soon."

-.- If I had known this would have exploded to a fight of this size I would have kept my mouth shut and never even sent that.