Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Spry-Avalon upgraded.rpl - That first knee kick looked kinda weird (maybe messy or so). Then, eewwww. Devastating booms. That ghosting arm at pose is bugging me. Nice replay overall.


Name is real, I lost track of what the fuck was going on after decap. It was made in quite short time (as for me) so it might suck a bit, especially because I'm covered by rust xd But I like second hit.
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!wtf is going on.rpl (260.7 KB, 18 views)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by sprytryne View Post
honestly The replays at your Boom Additc replay thread is much more awesome than this

lol i cant even find my thread xd

Jtank nice replay i give it a 7/10 very fluidic

here is a replay i whipped up real quick deadly kick combo

and i decided to turn dafe decap into a boom
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Made4You - Deadly kick combo .rpl (138.0 KB, 18 views)

:D click it and make me happy :D
Deadly kick combo - Pretty good, although it was a bit stiff the hits and booms were nice. Pretty plain however. 8/10.
Dafe kick boom hit style - That kick was ridiculously powerful. Very stylish too. 9/10.
Well I'm a bit rusty but I think I can still boom fine.
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#Manipit.rpl (280.8 KB, 25 views)

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Oh Oh Oh very nice, it could've been more clean but still nice, nothing much to say. 8.5/10

Uhmmm Marco must see this

P.s.: I already know it is too short
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King - Butter wrists.rpl (158.3 KB, 20 views)
Last edited by kingdrake; Feb 16, 2010 at 10:42 AM.

I tried for so long and I couldn't keep them up for 100 frames, let alone 500. Nice job.

Seeing as I am obligated to post something, here's one I made months ago and forgot about.
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a bit of pow pow.rpl (85.5 KB, 23 views)
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
It was quick and fierce. The posing is great aswell. Nice job. My one crit, the kick looked awkward when you withdrew it immediately. Other than that, an awesome replay. Prolly one of your best.

Edit of an old-ass replay.
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MeresmO.rpl (170.4 KB, 19 views)
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Pretty good stuff. You're fluid all the way through, but many of the hits lack some oomph to go with the fluidity. That being said, both your kicks were powerful, the last one in particular. Rating? Uhm... I'm terrible at rating. 7/10 or 8/10, can't decide. :U

Also, holy fuck i made a replay. Hope it ain't all bad. Elbow instead of boomhit because elbows are much more manly than punches. >:C
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<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
nice replay dude 7.5/10 try to get a boom hit with the punch it looks stupid if the last hit isnt a boom and everything else is good though :]

sorry if i uploaded these somewhere other than here
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:D click it and make me happy :D
The first one was too grabby and just clapripping apart uke's overbody with the legs all stretched and not moving them looked awkward. After you dismembered the legs you looked like you were going for a powerful hit but instead you slowed down and tried to go for a less powerful hit, that also looked wierd. Not very good. The pose however, was great. You just landed on your feet and got into the pose with no problems at all.


Don't grab that much ever again. Work on fluidity, I know I need to. Other than that, an average replay.

The second one, way better. Two awesome boomhits in a row with not much space in between them. However, after those two hits you made a stiff cork with your ankles contracted (which made it look slightly odd) that also was followed up by a grabcap. Instead of grabcapping him you could have gone for a nograb decap. Sure there will be no boomhit, but atleast I would rather have a nograb replay than half a nograb replay with a grabby boom in the end. It would kinda ruin the replay. You grabbed and bashed the rest of Uke's upperbody in primalrage and got into a pose, which was good. All in all, a pretty good replay that can get so much better with just some small edits. Try not to grab so much. I see your potential. Just don't throw away all style just to get a 4 DM boomhit. Vigilante taught me that once.


You can easily make this a 9/10 without those grabs in the end of the replay.

Hopefully this will help you a bit. If not, then I'm sorry.


Here you go, it's not really a splosion, just a simple replay.
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splode.rpl (175.1 KB, 19 views)
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly