
guys I allmost shit myself. Searched for "wooow" on google images. Look at the results
right, 4 polish faggots having some fun
Addicted is perhaps the most cancerous clan present in Toribash right now. It is filled with absolutely despicable members who are akin to slithery worms that spawn forth moral decay. Within their veins flows not blood, but putrid urine containing foulest imaginable depravations. Their posts are filled with verminous blasphemies that would make anybody with even a hint of intelligence both cringe and vomit at their very sight. And talking of intelligence, [Addicted] members posses none - ravenous rats fight for every gram of rampant cancer that has replaced what could've been their brains. Talking to any of them is an experience rivaling in pleasure to drowning in filthy repulsive pus, and the very act of it can already infect you with HIV, rabies, syphillis and nazism. [Addicted] is an aggregation of feculent and egregious carrion. And by far the worst, one of their members got decapped like a noob in clan league 2014. I won't even unveil the complete loathsome nature of this clan, because telling the whole truth could possibly offend them. Therefore I will label them with single word: assholes.
Last edited by JtanK; Feb 1, 2015 at 03:14 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I can't believe that I did read all of it. How can somebody out of our rat hole come up with something that is close to linguistic, decent area thinking bullshit like it is
Added all of Alphasoniks crew and updated the membercount. Man we're actually really growing and getting pretty active for our standards, which is great to see.