Ultimation Application Thread
Hello fellow Silver mates, Name is Ultimation, im a 3rd Dan blackbelt, been playing for 6 months, im very popular and known for making very nice bet servers and events, thus i can host many events for you guys. Im not bad at making replays and i am a good player of course.
Age: 15
Invited to apply by : Chesshire
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3
I see a lot of potential in him to become a really good player so i invited him+ he makes moore than 2 beting servers a day that will get us more fame.
I hope you will agree with me.If not at least give him a test member chance to show actvity that will last 2 weeks
Is there a reason?
Thanks Chess, Thank Ragodoshi
Last edited by ultimation; Aug 6, 2012 at 07:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3
._., i never said that. + any screens ? If you dont want me in the clan, just say no, but dont make false comments please, but in the end, its not my loss.
Last edited by ultimation; Aug 6, 2012 at 07:35 PM.
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3