Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
star wars intro styled post

thanks, Ube. now wish me luck, people usually ban or pick Jayce before I can say anything at rankeds. that sucks.
Went from 1300 elo to 1200 elo for coincidentally getting paired with the same trolling/intentionally feeding premade bot lane 3 games in a row.
Fuck my life.
Back for good.
Originally Posted by Fivah View Post
Went from 1300 elo to 1200 elo for coincidentally getting paired with the same trolling/intentionally feeding premade bot lane 3 games in a row.
Fuck my life.

ohey, you're on Eu-W? i'm also around the 1200's -1300's you wanna duo sometime?
I'm a fucking professional!

Bad, Worse, Dargon!

Fucking placement matches, these are just hnnngh...

I honestly felt bad for the enemy team.. Untill I remembered that I'm stuck in the same ELO too. :<

For those who don't get the joke: I'm shitty ADC... RIGHT POWAS?

Also, what to do when enemy team has 3½ assasins (½ = Rene) and Graves and you're ADC?
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post

Bad, Worse, Dargon!

Fucking placement matches, these are just hnnngh...

I honestly felt bad for the enemy team.. Untill I remembered that I'm stuck in the same ELO too. :<

For those who don't get the joke: I'm shitty ADC... RIGHT POWAS?

Also, what to do when enemy team has 3½ assasins (½ = Rene) and Graves and you're ADC?

> Prioritise GA after first big 1 or 2 items.
> Come late to the teamfight where the Assassins have used their burst on other champions.
> Learn how to position yourself.

For example, I was playing Vayne ages ago in a ranked game and was around dragon when a fight broke out in middle. When I got there, everyone was really low and I simply killed the rest of the enemy team that was alive and got a quadra kill.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
> Prioritise GA after first big 1 or 2 items.
> Come late to the teamfight where the Assassins have used their burst on other champions.
> Learn how to position yourself.

For example, I was playing Vayne ages ago in a ranked game and was around dragon when a fight broke out in middle. When I got there, everyone was really low and I simply killed the rest of the enemy team that was alive and got a quadra kill.

Ah, so I played it more or less right then.
Oh well, I should just stop playing solo and get that duoQ partner, at least I'd have one sensible team mate. :<
Got the game.

Played a few games as Ashe, decided I didn't like her. Purchased 10USD worth of RP (Not sure how much that is) and bought Ahri & Nocturne. With remaining RP I bought a 24 hour IP boost.

So far I've only played Co v AI, as Nocturne, Ashe, Vlad & Ahri. Ahri is my main, my favourite, my love, etc.
I'm going to try all champs, but I really prefer champions with ranged basic attack.

I quite liked Vlad, he was pretty good. I was too nooby to understand his abilities and builds etc, he has a lot of potential to be one of my fav champions.
Nocturne was good. Building with a lot of AD and Attack speed, I enjoyed the game I played with him.
Ashe is OP imo, her abilities are way too easy to kill champions with. Her ult combined with frost shot and volley just rapes anybody around her. I found she isn't too good with team battles though.
Ahri is my favourite. I never thought I'd like magic based champions, but Ahri is just great. I built her with insane AP, a little speed and some health. I've played around 20 games with her, I always try to solo mid. She goes really well regardless of circumstance, she escapes ganks quite easily with boots or using her ult as an escape. Almost always wins a 1v1 as you guys probably know, Charm, Fox fire, Double hit with orb then ult as they try to run, gets a kill every time, even at low levels and low AP.
I found that when soloing mid with Ahri I was always ahead of my team. Instead of being supportive and helping my team I just held my lane for a while then pushed to the inhibitor.

So yeah all you guys probably know all that, I was just giving my personal experience and stuff.

I enjoy the game a lot, probably going to play it every day. I'd easily pay for this game, but thank god it's free. Also I've got around 4k IP, who should I buy when I get the 6300? I like ranged and harassing.
Shinigami Chop!
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post

I enjoy the game a lot, probably going to play it every day. I'd easily pay for this game, but thank god it's free. Also I've got around 4k IP, who should I buy when I get the 6300? I like ranged and harassing.

if you like magic based champions i suggest to you brand or TF there are fun to play.
Also blitzcrank is a most for me.
French Froggy
Also I've got around 4k IP, who should I buy when I get the 6300? I like ranged and harassing.

If you're into bursts of damage, tankyness and general badassary you should take a look at Jayce.
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