Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Draven ult hits twice
Yes I used that excuse cause penta penetration sounds better.

..it can hit 4 times.
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
..it can hit 4 times.

This is true.
Teleport + b OP.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks


Originally Posted by Toon View Post
So, any tips on building Jayce?

Also, in other news, I am having surgery on the 27th to have a cyst removed. I am sorta scared.

I suggest building Jayce more like a carry with survivability. You can play anywhere you want to with him. He is really good at solo top or mid. As he is a great dueler. You can go bot too but it's more difficult to kill the carry as he can hide behind minions and support.

Solo top is my favourite place. Just play passive harassing the opponent with mercury cannon stance. When you are ready to finish activate the gate shoot shock blast activate your W try to get all 3 of the shots then go to hammer stance Q -> W -> E (try knocking him towards your turret not his) and then just finish him as you want to. If the enemy plays to agressive start with mercury hammer and then land all your skills and for finishing leave your acceleration gate + shock blast. Just the finishing skill sequence just in case if you didn't know that.


Start off with a Doran's blade. I like getting max stats from the first item. It's great for dueling. Gives the small lifesteal to heal yourself like that. Then buy boots and upgrade them to berserker's greaves or mercury threads or ninja tabi. If you want to build him tanky maximazing survivability take threads or tabi. But if you want to be a good tanky carry with unbeatable duels take berserker's greaves. I always take them. Then buy Trinity force, I usually buy phage first as it grants me some extra health and slow so I could dominate my lane and leave no chance of escaping for my opponents. Then buy sheen and then zeal, etc. Reason why I didn't take sheen the first is because my hammer's W skill has a mana regenerating passive on hit. + I don't need the extra AP and next basic attacks bonus damage as I choose harassing my opponents from distance not engaging them as I see them. Buy Bloodthirster next. For me it is a must. It is the source of all my damage and lifesteal. With Berserker's greaves it gives me a chance to heal up when being low on health really fast. Also dueling is a lot easier with Bloodthirster. Just don't forget to kill minions to get more damage from it. Next items are situational if you need survivability if your opponents focus you a lot buy Frozen mallet or Warmogs. I usually choose Frozen mallet because of the slow. Easy to disrupt 1 enemy from the other team. And chasing is easier. And warmogs for extra health and regen but lifesteal from Bloodthirster is the only hp regeneration I need. If your opponents are too strong keep building yourself on survivability. If it's magic damage buy Banshee's or Maw of Malmortius. I sometimes buy them both if the most of the team is magic damage. Buy Banshee's if your enemies have table turning spells like Blitz with his hook, Nidalee with her javelin (it may get out of hand if you suck at dodging), Annie with her stuns, etc. Otherwise take Maw of Malmortius. If your opponents are AD carries get thornmail. If the team is balanced choose your biggest threat and counter him with one of the 3 items. If you are really fed buy Infinity edge after Frozen mallet or before it. It's a must too if you build youself with high damage. Otherwise if you are not fed buy it after your 2nd defensive item or the leave it for finishing your build. If you want to be a carry just replace Maw, Banshee's, Thornmail with another Bloodthirster.

So these are some builds:

Doran's blade -> Berserkers -> Trinity force -> Bloodthirster -> Frozen mallet -> Infinity edge -> sell Doran's and buy Maw of Malmortius (if enemies are magic damage)

Doran's blade -> Berserkers -> Trinity force -> Bloodthirster -> Frozen mallet -> Banshee's veil (for annoying skill AP enemies) -> sell Doran's and buy Infinity edge (for damage output)

Doran's blade -> Berserkers -> Trinity force -> Bloodthirster -> Frozen mallet -> Infinity edge -> sell Doran's and Bloodthirster (ultimate carry build with survivability)

Doran's blade -> Berserkers -> Trinity force -> Bloodthirster -> Banshee's veil -> Maw of Malmortius -> sell Doran's and buy Infinity edge (AP counter)

Doran's blade -> Berserkers -> Trinity force -> Bloodthirster -> Frozen mallet -> Infinity edge -> sell Doran's and buy Thornmail (Usually carries get out of hand in late game so that's why this item is the last)

Skill upgrading sequence:

Start with your Q then E then W. Upgrade your ultimate when ever you can. Maximize Q first then E then W. It's for laning not jungling. I'm not really a jungle expert with him.

Some other tips:

You can reveal jungles with your acceleration gate + shock blast and switch to mercury hammer and using your Q on the creeps to jump over the wall. It can be used to clear jungles or escaping.

Learn to use our acceleration gate + shock blast. If you miss all the time just practice on live targets till you get it right. If the target is dodging predict his movement. Train with a friend on proving grounds, etc. Otherwise there is no point of dominating someone who is stronger than you. Mercury cannon needs to be mastered. Hammer is easy to master.

Try knocking back your opponents toward your turret. It may reward you with a kill and disrupt an enemy from the team. Do it to carries mostly. Also when going 1 vs 1 with tanks use Thundering blow it will do shitloads of damage.

Hit minions to regenrate mana when in meelee stance after level 3.

When taking buffs or farming creeps use Thundering blow for the finishing blow. It will deal a lot of damage. Just be careful not to hit buffs towards a thin wall if your using E to damage it. You may end up hitting creep/buff over the wall. has happened to me a couple of times. really annoying.

Well enjoy. This was a guide for Jayce. That's like the most things you should know about Jayce. He is my main and I play him a lot. If anyone needs to know how to counter him just ask. Feel free to ask some questiones.
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Forgot how much I love Diana, she so fun to play.

Likewise Akali.
Uric + Jandal carry Akali + Diana.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Likewise Akali.
Uric + Jandal carry Akali + Diana.

Then we played 2 games without a tank and all went to shit.

2 Assassins + No tank = You are going to have a bad time.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Was still fun.
So all good.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
Akali got me to 1907 elo right now

Carry me
p.s are you on EU West?
Back for good.