Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Lag: Shut up. Seriously. Don't tell me to get over it. I hurt people for saying that. That's so fucking frustrating.
I don't see how you find that fun. And why I'm the only fucking person that gets kicked and banned by MJ every fucking time. You just don't get it and it's frustrating the hell out of me.

Oh my Wolid dude, it was a server on a game. I don't mean to take sides, but im with everyone else here. You got kicked a few times and banned once. Now you've filled up 3 pages with this argument. Man, I don't want you to come at me, but really get over it. Like inferno said a while ago, it's funny. They're just messing around. There is no need to be so hurt over it. There is a simple solution to it though; go on a different server. You don't need to get so mad over this one incident.
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
You don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't only kicked 3 times and banned once. Read the whole conversation if you're going to tell me I'm acting wrongly.
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
You don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't only kicked 3 times and banned once. Read the whole conversation if you're going to tell me I'm acting wrongly.

I said a few. Doesn't mean exactly three. And i have been reading the conversation and I do believe this is being way too dramatized. Just saying to let it go, shit happens, move on :/
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
Haha. Whatever dude. You obviously don't know what you're talking about so I'm not going to talk to you. The fact stands that you said I've been banned once. Which is no where near the truth. And a few times? I've probably kicked over 100 times in the past week. By MJ alone.

this is me reading what soap is saying

|10th dan| |Sicker than the remix| |So damn sick of being so damn sick| |Doing it better than you could in your dreams|
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Haha. Whatever dude. You obviously don't know what you're talking about so I'm not going to talk to you. The fact stands that you said I've been banned once. Which is no where near the truth. And a few times? I've probably kicked over 100 times in the past week. By MJ alone.

Guess me trying to help isn't working, so continue to fill the thread with this crap lol. This argument is over a server in a game which doesn't have any impact on your life outside the internet. Just thought you should know
Originally Posted by fuzeboy23 View Post

Size 7 CAPS lock text of reason. Seriously, if your that butthurt, just PM mj or lag or whoever the fuck you want to PM
Last edited by Jeffry36; Feb 6, 2013 at 04:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
How is anything you're saying close to the definition of "Help"?
My complaints are about a clan in the game. I'm not saying "I'm going to kill myself because he keeps kicking me"
Just thought you should know.