I find Gimp alot easier to handle than PS, and still able to provide equal results.
Also, it's free. Who doesn't like free stuffs?
not dead
Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
Dat head. Who made it?
Looks weird, but still good.

i made it and i based the crown off my dads gold
Originally Posted by GototKaca View Post
i made it and i based the crown off my dads gold

you're dad is a King? or you're dad is real gatotKaca XD
Looks like it. It would be awesome though.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by Aegis View Post
I find Gimp alot easier to handle than PS, and still able to provide equal results.
Also, it's free. Who doesn't like free stuffs?

oh, you use Gimp too?
you should join Gimp Users

Originally Posted by GototKaca View Post
i made it and i based the crown off my dads gold

looks like we found new artist here xD
That is a near-death organization, but those people in there.. some of them are still active.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Looks good, but still meeh.
Menurut ku kalau buat cartoonish set itu, bagian yang ada gambarnya lebih baik dibagian kanan atau kirinya. Soalnya kalau ditaruh didepan sama belakang agak aneh (biasanya bagian depan belakangnya malah buat tambahan atau design sisanya buat memperbagus bagian samping).
Terus, itu bagian kanannya karena ada warna putih (digambar makhluk aneh yang senyum itu) lebih baik kakinya juga di add sedikit warna putih dibagian belakang (deket buletan joint itu) Keliatannya footnya udah fix, looks good. Itu seriusan udah di fix kan?
Oke next, itu Font yang kamu pake buat tulisan [L] Agak sedikit aneh, menurutku bagian itu lebih baik dikasih design-an aja atau bentuk apa gitu (coba cek setnya CyberAero for more info about design and cool shit)
Coba di tangan bagian kiri atau kanan dikasih sedikit tambahan, kaya cincin gitu mungkin? Biar keliatan beda aja bagian tangannya, kalau sama ntar kaya gimana gitu menurutku (buat memperbeda aja sih sebenernya).
Coba dong kirim SS pas dia lagi posisi berdiri tegak, dari segala arah, jangan cuma pas lagi pose doang. Soalnya focusnya kemana mana ini pas ngamatinnya.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by Enma View Post
oh, you use Gimp too?
you should join Gimp Users

Actually I was there roughly 3-2 years ago, believe it or not, before I quit TB, lol. I got kicked because of that.
not dead
Nyoba lagi bikin realistic head (entah kenapa setiap bikin realistic, bikin nya selalu horor)



4 Raiken
