A little while ago I was looking for a clan to help encourage me to be involved with toribash again. So I applied to Ne and it died.

Triton told me he was going to apply to TLL so I looked at the clan page and shit looks hot.
I've been in the irc for I would assume a total of a few hours talking a little bit and you guys seem pretty cool.
I'm lazy as fuck so I basically wrote anything worth knowing here in my app to Ne, but I'm pretty sure you guys don't care about replays or replaymaking because I would assume that's what you meant by saying ingame. I'll just sum up what I said about me+ in the other app.

My name is Nani, I live in the lameo state of Ohio. I'm 16 years old. I'm not very social so I'm taking online classes. I've been playing toribash for a few years now, some people hate me because of how I was since I joined up until a year ago, when I stopped being a complete faggot, so I have only a few "friends" here. The last few clans I've been in have slowly died, like Aurora (and I guess New Era.)
I've started making videos, or "edits" as a sort of little hobby because learning stuff is fun. Here is the link to my youtube. Once again I don't know if you guys actually care or not but I also make replays, since I applied and got accepted into ORMO I'm sorta taking it more "seriously." Here is the link to my brand new replay thread.

I hope you don't hate my app because I'm shit at making these, inv me thanks
yall TLL niggas getting some good shit

Discord: bicycleforrats
<[Obey]Quest> yall needa tap into my telegram on gad
Chase Sapphire Reserve® Cardholder
stop spamming in this thread. all other threads are allowed invades, this one is for applicants and members.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos