I wanna see people I was friends with ;(

Like tuna. hi tuna, how are ya?
nothing much

Yes! So many exciting changes.

Was accepted to Georgetown University in D.C. during early action for college apps, so I may be in the capital for my 4 years :o

Also applied to a couple other places, like Cornell, Penn, Claremont Mckenna and Vanderbilt. Excited to see where I may end up.
nothing much

I would hate to live in DC. Literally everyone I've talked to has said that aside from the political district, the city is a piece of shit.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Oh yikes. Well, good to know I guess. Sounds like the students love to glorify stress there, which doesn't sound to great. It's probably my 5-6th choice now but it's a pretty serious contender of my regular action schools don't pan out.
nothing much

Yeah, I've heard pretty bad things about D.C. But then again, you can hear pretty bad things about any place in the world, I mean, heck, even my village has crime such as... old farmer mothers/wives shooting things to high heaven. They're a nasty bunch.
Although I've honestly never been to D.C. I've always wanted to go one day. I've been to a few cities in America ages ago. I liked Canada more though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Fancy View Post
I wanna see people I was friends with ;(

hi, i wasnt your friend but hello
actually, i'm posting here.
what is going on around here and why is the irc so empty?
do people even use that anymore
taking art requests for USD