Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post



I agree with most (=99.9%) of this.

Only things I can complain about are skill order and item order (tho I run bit different runes & masteries mostly 'cuz I'm lazy).

About skill order; Oracle's makes sense, and I should probably test it few times before I say anything about it. But instead of always using same skill order you should take skills depending how the game rolls.

Example: Opponents turtle (= play smartly) behind the minions and you can't land grabs -> Just prioritize W & E. Just pop W run to them -> E 'em up and use Q to secure the kill. After you do this few times you can force summoners just by running towards them. etc etc

Also, I like to get Aegis before I buy Shurelia's, even tho I agree with Shurelia being great item.

My usual build goes somewhat like this: Boots + Ward + HP pot -> Philo + Wards -> HoG + Wards -> Boots 5 + Wards -> Aegis/Shurelia depending how the team is doing/will jungler get Aegis + Wards -> Glacial Shroud + Wards -> Randuin's / Frozen + Wards.

I think you got it, but ALWAYS, I MEAN ALWAYS, BUY WARDS. If you have to choose between buying wards or completing an item, buy wards. Wards save lives, win games and do everything Draven does, but better!


Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Why is everyone doing Lee Sin mid now? So fuckin' annoying -.-

Thank Froggen for that. Also, Brace yourselves Corki mid is coming!
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Brace yourselves Corki mid is coming!

Who should I thank for that? -.-
Tryn is To easy. 100% crit with a Bloodrazor.
Ashe bought the warmog cause I raped her face so hard xD
So I retaliated with a bloodrazor. ;p

Originally Posted by Toon View Post
So Uric, Any oppinions on a good nid build? Like What to buy 1 thing after the other?

AD bruiser nid is alright. For toplane.
I was playing teemo, and my team was losing so I said in all chat:

"Did you know that 1/5 teemos are starving?! No kills, no assists! With a low down payment of 3 kills, you can help the starving teemos survive, and maybe get back on track to a successful game. Thank you, and remember. God bless the teemo's.
15/3 with Rengar in ranked atm. Currently at 1454 with 1 day to go before seasons over (according to Riot's latest statement).