11 was online and sucked crap
Even Terraria was better than 11

Anyways anyone got ideas for a tourney
I was think we should hold something like what Wicked did before
A massive Clan war event
Clans gather their allies official or non official
Or better yet
How bout Official clans vs Unofficial
Sounds like a great idea to me
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Unofficial clans like [z] or [u] or [drugged] have really skilled members, I'm looking forward for this event, pls pm me link if I can help you with something.
I wuv wuffles :3
That's a good way to start it Toon, and the prizes shouldn't be just random items, it should be a tc prize for the first and random item for second or something like that.
I wuv wuffles :3
If you guys want help with such event, [Reaper] is always willing to offer a hand :> Be nice too work along side such [Extreme]

PM or post in our DSC if you are interested ;P
Rythm smells like Cheese
Much too lazy to Pm/post on a board I have nothing to do with.

On a completely different note, I turn 16 in 10 days o/ Can go for my L's, which is awesome.