It wasn't my idea to post it here. It was pubics. You cannot freely touch anything here. It is not yours no matter where it is posted. It's like saying just because I posted it in a replay thread, everyone who owns a replay thread is free to have my replays although they are not up for editing. I will in fact be reporting fragray when. I return home if he still has not removed a replay if he posted one and realizes it's not his property in any way.
you can report me if you like, they wont really care and if you would like to know i actually havent downloaded that replay yet but good luck with your reports ;) have fun
If you haven't given credits to the original replay maker or say that you made the full replay, it is illegal. But it isn't illegal to dowload a replay, edeting it and sharing it with friends.
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
It is only illegal if you claim that as YOUR OWN. None of us have done that so I reallllllly don't understand why you are annoyed with us; we just messed about with a replay that Pubic posted on our thread who said nothing about the fact that you contributed to it. Now if you will PLEASE stop arguing on our thread and leave, that would be much appreciated. You've already taken one of our members, what else do you want?
thanx guy for helping me with dat guys that annoy us for nothing. <3
well Demini. gtfo of our thread now. dont really care if u report one of us. coz no one of us don't really care of a little kid mentality like u. plus. u should post more on ur thread then here coz u like a pest here and give a bad appearance for this thread...
just a fancy signature
First off, all I did was offer pubic because they deserved better than this clan. Second off, dark you can't even spell correctly/have atleast decent grammar or give any reasoning yet you say I have a child mentality. Third off, he did claim that it was theirs for the taking. Now as you asked me to leave this thread, I will do so. Will no members of flip post on my clans thread though.
who care english ry zandry tsy tenindrazanay a' ok?
u have no idea where im from so don't criticise each mother language. azonla zany?
Last edited by Darkerharder; Dec 18, 2014 at 05:46 PM.
just a fancy signature
I'm so sorry, but can you not jump to conclusions there please? Our member Darker is from a different country and he is doing absolutely fine with his spelling and punctuation. It is understandable what he says and that's all that matters.

Secondly, don't you dare come here and try and tell us that Pubic "Deserves a better clan than this one". That was completely uncalled for and unnecessary. Don't you dare come on here and start disrespecting us.

If you want to even think about talking on this thread again, here's some advice - Don't.

Demini is banned from this thread. End of.
Originally Posted by Demini View Post
First off, all I did was offer pubic because they deserved better than this clan. Second off, dark you can't even spell correctly/have atleast decent grammar or give any reasoning yet you say I have a child mentality. Third off, he did claim that it was theirs for the taking. Now as you asked me to leave this thread, I will do so. Will no members of flip post on my clans thread though.

First off, fuck your clan. Second off, fuck your "decent grammar". Third off, fuck you, pest.

Sorry for the insults, monkey, some people are just.. assholes <--- sorry again.
Last edited by maro6162; Dec 18, 2014 at 10:11 PM.
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