My woman confessed her heart out to me this morning and I actually had hope for the whole 'us' thing.
Then she said 'sorry if I was getting your hopes up but I don't think I want to be anyone, I wasn't meant to be with anyone.'
Then she went on to say how we shouldn't speak to eachother ever again or make any contact because we're meant to be apart.
Something really pissed me off today. I overheard my parents asking each other about why I have so many ponies and commented "He has so much 'gay' looking stuff." Almost lost it there.

EDIT: Not saying anything is bad about being gay, just hate it when people making assumptions about the show like that.
Just got woken up at 6 AM. They asked me if I knew where I am. every time they do that, I answer correctly. But next time, I will answer "In the mothership, duh." since this time... they probed my butt to find out what my temperature was. Them crazy aliens.
Everyone's got hardcore shit going on.

I've just sorted out two of the biggest issues I've been having for the last year.

Soooooo... I wish you luck and shall use my happiness to help you all.
Woo! Dad bought around 2000 RMB worth of fireworks to shoot off for the New Yearz (Chinese New Year, that is)! That's roughly 300 dollars worth, and is taking up maybe a cubed meter of space in our house. Going to be awesome!
Proud member of Pandora