Pure could became official too.
Just back than clan council was sticker.
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

Nice, we have got a lot of sexy talented members. it makes me happy. :>
But Bruno should be more active...
I should improve myself on something that I want really do. Texture making. Before that, Kratos, can you teach me how to make good forum packs (avatar + siggy)?
Eh, i use gimp, for me, it's easy. But you can preffer Photoshop. Anyway, just search it on youtube, something like "how to make avatars" "how to make signatures"...
Originally Posted by Possesed View Post
Congrats to Bruno who got accepted as an ingame unibash teacher!

Welcome to our council man.
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]