wait you guys can invite me on sweeyollo. Becouse thats my main
[Fr4me] [Lotramus] [Dharmahn] #Sparring #Parkour #ReplayMaker
Originally Posted by Overlord View Post
why we should

you dont need to. But... i dont know
[Fr4me] [Lotramus] [Dharmahn] #Sparring #Parkour #ReplayMaker
Originally Posted by Aadame View Post
But if you really want to join Vector, re-apply anytime you want.

eem... i already did. But Alpha said yes. So im waiting answear from you guys.
[Fr4me] [Lotramus] [Dharmahn] #Sparring #Parkour #ReplayMaker
No, he said
Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
i'll say yes if ur join date is realy 2015.

and you responded
Originally Posted by RedFox909 View Post
Sorry to barge in, but he said that Fr4me is is alt account. So no, he did not join in 2015.

So his vote is "no" too.

Or whatever the hell you wanted to tell us :/ I honestly dont know what did you mean. You got no from me too and i think from Overlord too...
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
um yes my vote is:
Originally Posted by Aadame View Post
"no" too.

Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Hello [Vector].

This is one of the few clans who's requirements don't require a belt limit. So with that being said I hope you guys will enjoy my application and soon let me become [Vector]PrideSoul.

About: Now to start things off I would like to say that a lot of the information that I am going to add here in this section may be not needed but serves mainly as a filler. I am 20 years old, I started to play Toribash back in 2009 with my first account as Havock007. From then on I have really enjoyed playing this game but needless to say this game has a way of really getting me angry. Now sense then I have been banned on and off. Granted this is not good but I have come to realize that this game is a lot more fun with out the anger. I am very competitive when it comes to this game. So all my anger generates from when I lose or if I lose in a noob way. Now with my recent rage incident being yesterday when I pinged after I had gotten a 112k decapprize, and to top that off I had a 34k bet active when I pinged. Needless to say I did not get the decap prize and I lost the 34k I bet on my self all do to ping. After the little fit of rage I had I realized that my anger had gotten out of control. I now reside in trying not to talk in-game and really handling my anger a lot better than I used too.

Best Mods.
  • Rk_mma: I started to play this mod the day it was made when ViperTech created it and from then on it has grown on me. I play it everyday and I always find ways to better my self to be the best player I can be in that mod.
  • Aikido Big Dojo: I used to really hate this mod but in the community this mod is the most competitive. I have forced my self to learn the in's and outs of this mod simply because I want to make tc and this is the mod commonly used in Dueling and Betting servers.
  • Wushu: This mod requires the most skill in my opinion, you must control every movement cause if not you fail and lose. I find this mod quite challenging because there is a number of styles. Hit and Run, Crab, Offensive, Defensive and Simple.

I currently do not have a skype, I have seen no need for one till now and if accepted I have no problem creating one so I could talk to my clan mates. My Gmt is -7 meaning it is 6:54 AM at the time this application is posted.

I feel honesty is better then just gloating and telling you guys how good I am cause in reality you are looking at bad history and if I can be trusted. Now you know my bad history and I hope that you can look past it and give me a chance in becoming apart of this clan.

Fr4me: Seriously, no.

PrideSoul: Yet I won't give anything related to voting before replays.
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