I play him as a babysitter until I feel comfortable enough to go roaming.
Usually I hang back and snipe-stun and / or block so my carries can get kills / escape certain death.

When I get blink and manaboots the fun starts and I will show up to all teamfights to wreck havoc.
My warding starts mostly when I get blink, I usually try to rush it since I'm so much more effective with it.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
ES good carry now right guys? ES mid carry ;^)

Also, been running skywrath as support, and man he is just amazing. He really is one of the best heroes with no items/no levels.

What's the new meta from TI4?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I don't think ES will ever be a viable carry.
Crits are fun but not comparable with real carries.
A semi at most, but only if the team-composition and enemy lineup allows it.

I just play him because it's so damn rewarding and fun :]
And he's a cool personality, really dig him.
Been meaning to design a set for him, might go through with that this vacation.

Do you think Vanguard is ever viable on shaker?
A sustainable tanky shaker is something I've been wanting to try out because it will trick people.
Would be so fun to be an unstoppable tanky BKB stun-machine.
It's just a theory, do any of you have experience with a tanky ES?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by SunR1se View Post

he is like the best hero to stop agro trilane, very good roamer and actually very good lategame. AND FUN TO PLAY.


situational pick ofcourse.
tri v tri and pro games hes fine.
but in terms of dual lanes and ensuring the carry can farm without taking harass, i find him limited, dont like playing him, and especially dont like my team picking him, forever blocking with fissure and saving them.
he limits the picks for the lane.
a bad es is the worst kind of support, do not trust.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
ES good carry now right guys? ES mid carry ;^)

perma stun 400% +crit + battfury + team dunk.
i scared.
Last edited by BenDover; Jul 13, 2014 at 08:21 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
This is true, a bad ES can really ruin a game.
Inba-report because you had one bad Fissure #publife #uninstalldoto #volvoplsfix

Been playing Veno some more lately, running away with a path of wards while you do your poison is fun.
He's scary.

I just don't think ES can farm fast enough early-game.
That, or I don't know how to.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Can't remember which team (Maybe LGD?) played Earthshaker offlane and he picked up a heart and bkb. It worked quite well, and they ended up winning that game.
Other than that, i've never seen a tanky Earthshaker.

Also, Liquid did ES mid and played him as a carry. I don't remember their opponent, but it worked really well.
For ES if you want to play him as a carry...

Play him like a semi-carry ganker, don't farm. Get shadow blade + bottle (classic build) and fish for dd runes.

IMO he's a shitty carry but obviously if you get super fucking fed you can dominate. Even CM can wreck your shit with bkb, deso, daedelus, mj and a heart.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
agreed with running him as a gangker.
not a fan of shadowblade on him
tbh, im not even a fan of bf and crits, if it gets to that point, the game should have been over.
go straight blink into aghs and rely on the big dunks.

played with a mid one the other day. basically just used us as bait and just waited for a good dunk.
granted, he just straight outskilled the invoker mid.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Yeah I've tried the invi crit shaker a few times.
Not too positive about it mostly because almost every other carry is more effective.
Everytime I do play him I end up doing fairly well but unable to carry my team,
I'll end up with a nice score whilst my team just dies. Not really carrying, thus.
That, or I'm unlucky with matchups.

I just don't think it's viable to rely on crits and luck that much.
I think I'll rather get two Battlefuries next time, instead of Battlefury + Daedelus.
The regen and extra damage is nice on Shaker as well.
But this is all just me speculating, I haven't played in a two weeks.

I don't think he even needs Aghs.
I'd rather get BoT's at that point, with something situational.
But again, that's mostly team dependant, pubs I play are still fairly low level, they do not counter push and sometimes straight neglect pushes.
That's why I prefer BoT's atm.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
If you don't die as a shaker You are fine. Just keep trying to gank and be aggressive and you will find money for a blink pretty early