Endurance Onslaught 6.0
how do you make wallrunning .tbm bigger ? or is there a bigger version I don't know about
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

Wallrun.tbm is easy to make , pretty much there are 4 wallls and a ceiling ( and a door i think). Those are completely transparent ( invisible), now there are very thin black objects that outline the entire thing .

TRichard's Tip : just because when you see the size or position in worldbulider , it doesnt mean you can adjust it even more .

Ex: katana.tbm - the thinest you can make an object in WB is 0.0625 BUT If you look at the mod in notepad , the object that is the blalde width is smaller. So to make somthing very thin , you just have to decrease the decimal ( 0.05, 0.04,0.03, ect)

This goes for just about every setting for an object or body part , play around with it.

There is a bigger wallrun mod , I beleive its called Dojoroom .
Alright Im not going to go indepth with it because there is just too much to explain , search for the tutorials ( there are alot ) or just google "toribash worldbuilder" .

I warn you now , its not easy . Theres alot of thnking and orginizing with numbers and decimals.
TRichard is lying, modding for toribash is very easy. Search for the script called descript (google "toribash descript") the mod editor on there is very easy to use. Toribash only uses 16 objects at a time so it's never that complicated. I learnt to mod in an afternoon.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem