micah can u give me advice about this bitch thats always hittin on me and she kinda fine.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
I dont know yet. I got hella hoes runnin up on me but this the finest biddy. She hits on me real hard and I dont know what to tell her
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
you like her? imma tell you right now if you like her but you cant ask her out because you are scared or some jizz like that you gotta say fuck it, man I fucked up even if you don't like her a lot lot give it a chance ask her out if she is the one gg no re if not keep looking, but you cant be scared to try like I was and when you get ready to try it be to late then sit there confused or sad, because it's your own fucking fault you let her go.

don't be me, don't let her go if you really feeling her

people always say "all she can say is no" bs she can say a lot of other shit but think about it like this say it was you being asked out and you didn't like the person would you be a dick about the rejection? no because life's not a fucking movie the cute (no homo) geek dude is not gonna get fucking humiliated for trying it takes balls to do that shit, and don't do any crazy shit to ask her out. just straight up "wanna go to a movie later?" "I really like you, will you be my girlfriend?" some shit like that none of that fucking "Can I be your knight in shinning armor?" that shit WILL get you humiliated. just be real confident, pretend she knows you are going ask her and she is planned to say yes.

the girl I didn't get to ask out had the most amazing smile and she still does to me, like she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I fucked up because I was too scared that if I asked her out I would fuck up you can't do that homie.

if you like her go for it. if not don't lead her on, give her sudden hints like you are an amazing friend then hug her kill'em with kindness

That's all I got to say. good luck

(P.S. if you tryna hit it and quit it ask someone else that's not how I role homie)
Last edited by Micah; Dec 22, 2015 at 11:23 PM.
I sexually identify as a meme
Last edited by Hades; Dec 22, 2015 at 11:29 PM.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
Originally Posted by Micah View Post
anyone can change

love isn't a choice

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