Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Most AP nidalees I see are such a piece of shit it's not even funny. They rely on the enemy being blind, deaf, and dumb, and running head first into ever spear they toss. I spent an entire game against one just dodging spear after spear and the dude had like half my cs and was doing absolute shit by the end of the game. He only landed one spear on me the entire game, and that's because I was chasing him with full health when he had absolutely no health remaining and I stopped giving a shit about the meager amount of damage it dealt.

I actually play really passive until I'm level 6, then I seriously start throwing spears.

But yeah, if you actually pay attention you can easily dodge a decent thrown spear.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Almost broke 1400 the other day for solo queue, but yeah, it's solo queue :$

got my gold for 3's, going to be working on at least gold for EACH next season.
I for 1 do not rely on nid spears. Cougar ownage rules. ;p I try to use the spear as a finisher only. ;p
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
I for 1 do not rely on nid spears. Cougar ownage rules. ;p I try to use the spear as a finisher only. ;p


1. harass with spear
2. when target is below 50% hp, charge in cougar form (Q %-hp, as far as I remember, bonus works well)
Not if they are dodging spears out the ass.
when they run they panic and do not try to dodge the spear.
Sorry for the shitty picture, I didn't get a screen of the game itself, but these are the games I played today

I played jax as jungle again, and tried what was mentioned, and it went pretty decent.
The highlight was the premade 4 for my game with darius. I played with NotNoob(forum name), and he invited some people.
It went really good, but are you supposed to make darius an off-tank? I built him around 200 AD, but afterwards I built him tanky. around 180defense, and 120 magic resist, with around 3500 hp. It worked out decent, but I'm not sure if I should have built him stronger in AD or not?
Any tips/idea's on building for Darius?
My build was:
>Mercury treads
>Frozen mallet
>Randuin's Omen
>Maw of Malmortius
>Warmog's armor
>Guardian Angel

In that order, but not sure if I built him right or not.
Playing bunch of duoq's with Jando, we probz gonna get gold before the 12th.

I was forced to support since I'm about 80 elo below Jando, Jando got top nearly every game and Rengar OP.
Last edited by Hippybob; Nov 10, 2012 at 02:36 PM.
Our KDA's for the 4 games


KDA: 3/3.75/16.25


KDA: 6.25/3.5/5.75

Rengar OP! I'm 11/1 now with the Lion, going to make a Rengar guide when I hit gold.
Last edited by j4nd0; Nov 10, 2012 at 02:39 PM.