Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Lololerz View Post
u talk engrish al tiem y u no 420 blzitfgit

Because the engrish we talk is different from the curriculum.
Way, wayy different.
Originally Posted by Lololerz View Post
u talk engrish al tiem y u no 420 blzitfgit

i would've 360 no scoped you but nah
Originally Posted by HayBale View Post
Haybale itu makanan buat kuda.

F*** uts gw remedial semua -_- gara-gara gak belajar
Kradel-Trocher3-Neru-PandaHero-Kido-(and many more :>)
Originally Posted by Insto View Post
F*** uts gw remedial semua -_- gara-gara gak belajar

Setelah mengetahui remedial, terbitlah hukuman orang tua.