Yeah, it's fun being equal though. (that kinda sounded like I was against racism or something (which I am))

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
The fun part about Guardians is that they are more forum active than in-game active. I never see anyone with the GDS in-game anymore. At one time there was quite a few of us, but it seems like everyone either went in-active or just left the clan. I see that Latin has not been on for sometime, and I am not sure what happened to Granby.
A hasbeen like the rest
Lol it doesn't ever happen. You should leave and join meta ;). Lol jk. If you are looking for a good clan to interact with, this is the clan to be in. This is why I still remain in this chat.
A hasbeen like the rest
The reasoning for me is I don't like the game anymore, but I still loved the forum aspect of it. You have quite a lot of intelligent and interesting individuals here and on the toribash forums I've found quite a lot of helping information and people that hold the same interests as myself. I rarely pop up on toribash because I read more than I type.
Honestly I got tired of the game. Maybe one day I'll play ToriBash again like I used to but not now. I now only stay in the forums because it's a great place to be in with a lot of fun people chatting here.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
yeah its a pretty simple game. I can see why you got bored of it. But maybe a big update will come and will change everything.

Or not.
The last time a big update came *cough* Runescape *cough* I never returned. EVER

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
Lol yeah, runescape really did change. Runescape 3 I believe it is called now is just so different. It is definitely still playable, but it is really weird. I remember playing back in 07, and it was so addicting. I heard that they brought back runescape 2007, but I am not entirely sure.

For one thing, this game could use a nice update. Maybe no so abrupt like Runescape, but a nice gradual change would be great. As of now I know that the staff is always taking suggestions, and they are trying to improve the game as much as they can. I hope to see this game become more popular. And to support what soul said, the community is definitely the best part of the game. It is one of the reasons I tried to become staff, and it is the reason I am sticking around.
A hasbeen like the rest