Originally Posted by black3083 View Post
Name: Black3083
Belt: Black Belt
Age: 19
Mod Favoured: Aikido, Wushu, Running
What I offer: I will work hard to give good reputation to the clan
Past clans: ELITE-BR, Darkness, Anarchy

Originally Posted by Litto View Post
First off, why in the fuck did you apply to both NO and bncy? That's fucking retarded and you're already not accepted.

Also, you made a lot of crucial mistakes. Such as...

1.) Thinking we care about replays

2.) Never talking to us on IRC.

3.) Not having any past connections with any NO members.

4.) Lying about your age.

For those reasons, I do believe I speak for the whole clan when I say


Have a nice day

Is that really necessary?

1.Well sorry about that mix-up.
2.I haven't had a chance.
3.I'll think next time
4.No i am not lying about my age, also yes i can agree that im a little childish and im not ashamed to say that.
5. No offense but why be an ass to me? little problems are nothing to explode over.
holla holla get dolla
name: thedarkblood
Belt:2nd dan blackbelt
favourite mods: taekkyon, aikido, judo.
why i want to join NO:NO is a great clan which is filled with skilled players and i really want to join this clan because this is a great clan for me. im good in my textures and i like making original textures instead of stealing other player's sets. i would hang out in this thread until im accepted in NO clan.
<8OJ4N>Dark hax-a-lot
<8OJ4N>sounds like a knight

Originally Posted by Litto View Post
First off, why in the fuck did you apply to both NO and bncy? That's fucking retarded and you're already not accepted

made it more obvious for your dull mind to comprehend, you're welcome

Also, as a side note: I'm not entirely sure why people seem to want to join NO when they've, for all I've noticed, never even spoken to us, expect maybe when they got infracted and cried about it.

It's not quite the stepping-stone-to-fame people apparently think it is.
Or at least, if it is, the stairs are on fire. (And you're covered in gasoline \o/ .)

Originally Posted by Hara View Post
Recruitment has never been closed: It's always followed rules however.

If you take a few minutes to actually read through the whole of the 'Post Here to Join-ish' thread, ToXiKz (Or anyone else for that matter), you should come to realise that yourself. The way it works now is exactly the same way as it did on Page 1.

'Post Here to Join-ish' isn't a place for people to introduce themselves and apply like they were looking for a job, it's a place for people we're already on good terms with to tell us they're interested in joining.
Think of it like this... If people won't vouch for you, you won't get in.

When I joined, too, it was more or less either the same rules, or they atleast applied to my reasoning for joining. See: I hardly ever played with anyone outside of [NO], and it felt awkward being the only person in a group of friends who wasn't in the clan, and so applied.

I don't even see why you would -want- to join a clan if you didn't have several friends in it.

If people who that quote's relevant to say something along the lines of "tl;dr", or just ignore it all together, they should be axed in the face. (I will donate my axe to the cause.)

And if people join irc after reading this in order to join: You're doing it in the wrong order.
Last edited by Hara; Jun 22, 2010 at 02:55 AM.
No one said anything about me joining once i posted so that is a no to me joining?
|Join #support For All Your Toribash Problems|RAGE QUIT!|