Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
Some people thought it was cool and all when it came out(like me) but in time, it got boring. Look at Tonakai and Corey.

Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Well, it sucks your life.

It does get boring at times, but its great fun helping people. Power has nothing to do with it for those who actually like the job. I don't care too much about having power etc. It does get to the point though were it takes over a bit. I mean, look at KiTFoX, he is constantly online trying to moderate etc. I simply don't have the time anymore, I guess I have too much of a life and school to worry about TA. I made some friends in the job which was great and maybe one day I will see if I can get my position back.
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
You guys haven't felt the orange name, so you can't say shit.

Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Well, it sucks your life.
Looks like it's not worthy, being all day just trying to cheer up people without getting paid, looks like the staff members think they can pay them by just saying they are cool.
By cool I mean, it's the only thing I see, they don't even get congratulated for doing the "job" day by day, many people/staff might say it's not a job, it's a game, but some people take the community really seriously.

Well to me I think they think they can just pay 'em by giving them the reputation of joining a small group with colored name, I am talking about TA's, looks like they just do the "dirty work".
All that imo.

Originally Posted by Corey View Post
Alan, you have a haircut like your avatar xP

Not why I got it like that, but oh well.
Originally Posted by Diaboli View Post
Very true.

Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Well, it sucks your life.
Looks like it's not worthy, being all day just trying to cheer up people without getting paid, looks like the staff members think they can pay them by just saying they are cool.
By cool I mean, it's the only thing I see, they don't even get congratulated for doing the "job" day by day, many people/staff might say it's not a job, it's a game, but some people take the community really seriously.

Well to me I think they think they can just pay 'em by giving them the reputation of joining a small group with colored name, I am talking about TA's, looks like they just do the "dirty work".
All that imo.