Reading over it I also think that I half assed it can I apply again some other time. I really want in.
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
Hello, my name is Robert, I have 16 years old.
wanted to "clarify" I will not be every day in the thread, but I'll see when "I can."
I consider myself a "friendly" person because I see no evil person, but everyone has their limits of friendship.
I do not think me a favor, just when you think this has really had no concept of who is a "pro" in this game.
I learn things very quickly, for example, and could read and write before the primary, but still do not believe me a genius.
I love music, to me, has no better thing to put my favorite music to relax, etc.
My hobbies: reading, listening to music, playing video games, think of people I love.
mods I "specialize" spar (in general), mushu, aikido (or both but if I'm "good"), pendlejump, parkour, etc.
My ativity but the game are ALL ALL ALL literally days.
this was my "form" better known in the forum for "Post"
, be kawaii and bye bye.
Keep walking
Well, hello there! I'm here to make an app, and... well, I'll give it my best shot.

My name is James. I'm just about two decades old, and I am a complete nerd. I started playing Toribash around the summer of twenty-eleven. Back then I was playing because I goddamn loved the game, and the community as well. I eventually even became a GameMaster. I've since come to the awful realization that the community is mostly made up of awful, awful people, so I go around looking for bastions of people that have some semblance of good in their hearts. One of those bastions was the clan Zone which I co-led, which then turned into Metagame upon merging with Oblivion, one of those other bastions of goodness in a grim and dark world. We had a good bit of fun, but eventually the majority of us stopped playing Toribash and moved our communications to Skype. Rather recently, I had to take a hiatus away from playing Toribash, and with a few other members dropping off the grid at the same time, gave way to our clan being shut down. I have returned however, and am in need of a new clan with which to partake in forays of adventure. I came here, to TLL (After stalking your forums for about... a month in total? I can't remember, last time I stalked you guys before yesterday was like, 5 months ago?) for several (three) reasons.

1: I like (and somewhat know) Qubic and Fear. I've read the Aikido tutorial that you both made, and found it most enlightening. Fear was also very kind to me whilst dueling one day a long time ago, and helped me to significantly improve to the point of managing to get my Aikido rank into the one-hundreds. But beyond that, both of you have been fairly kind to me in-game, and that says quite a bit to me about you.

2: Goddamn, I like Warhammer 40k. Even if the clan name wasn't intended with the purpose of 40k in mind, it just reminds me of it anyway.

3: Everyone in the clan seems pretty relaxed and laid back. I don't see members argue in what I've read so far of your public pages, beyond the occasional cynicism, and when I see any of you in-game, you are pretty relaxed and just go about your business. Although, I really don't see ya'll in-game a lot, might be because of my work schedule or whatnot. Anyway, even if you are not really focused on in-game, that's fine by me. All the clans I've ever been in were social clans when I joined, and I like it that way.

Also, This doesn't seem like a clan that would care about this type of thing, but it feels wrong leaving it out, so:

Belt: Custom
In-game Name: Templar
Past Clans: Psych Ward (Leader), Metagame/Zone(Co-Leader... Actually, for all intents and purposes [another way of saying "to make me feel good about myself"] I was technically leader in everything but name).
What can I offer you: I'm a pretty decent punchin' bag, I can take a lot of abuse without dishing any back before I crack. I used to be fairly good in-game at Aikido, sadly that's a thing of the past now (although it was stated you don't care about in-game activity and whatnot) and... uhhhh... I can... cook?
Other stuff you may wish to know: I am a student in college, was majoring in history but will be switching my major to criminal justice next semester. I airsoft, play MTG, Warhammer 40k, D&D, and a plethora of vijagames that I will not name here to avoid being a bother. I am also interested in philosophy to a significant degree and the other scientific arts to a lesser degree. I work at WallyMart, and have an odd shift, 16:00 to 1:00, so I may not see ya'll around a lot. I'm open to most discussions.

Well, thanks for considering my application. Hope I did well. If I didn't, thanks for looking it over anyway.
Last edited by Templar; Mar 7, 2015 at 07:40 AM.
Another sad story of what Skype does to clans :v

Biggest question is how is your irc activity? They'd probably like to know
I don't represent TLL or its affiliates in any way except maybe a tiny bit but only if Fear or Pv2 agrees with me
Hush, if you were on irc anymore, you would notice he has been on IRC. ya cunt.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos