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Here's a new topic while I wait on replies to the old-- and it's one of my tried and tested methods of finding out more about people and sharing cool junk.

If you could have any superpower you could think of (but just one, obviously) what would it be and why?


Also, just as a reminder to anyone who might be visiting with the intention of joining, this clan requires an applicant to post an application-- the guidelines for which can be located on the first ever posted page-- in order to be considered.

There aren't any strict belt or rank requirements, but we DO require you to know what a tertiary color is (and to pick a favorite). In addition filling that out, the actual deciding process is democratic. We all vote whether or not to keep you on, so in that regard it's probably a good idea to make friends with some of us before you even think about applying. There are exceptions, but we are unlikely to vote you in if we've never even played with you before. That would just be weird.
I'm an oldstyle peacekeeper in an age without them. I'm a fluid-gendered romantic with an eye for good writing. I'm a studier of martial disciplines of many kinds, and a bit of a geek when it comes to fiction.

I love to play games and I love learning new things, so in that sense I suppose I'm a people person. I pride myself on my ability to get along with just about anyone, so long as I've been fed in recent memory, but as they say- pride cometh before the fall. I'm certain someone I can't stand will show up eventually.

In my spare time I'm probably writing up posts for my blog of poetry and stories:
I wouldn't dare try mind reading, I nearly go crazy with just my own thoughts sometimes. I'd probably go with the classic flying ability. Who cares if it's unoriginal? :P
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Because I'm lazy, and didn't want to read a page and a half of stuff, I'm going to answer Timee's SW hypothetical questions, since that's what interests me the most.

Starting with favorite fighting form, I would choose Vapaad, as it combines all previous forms into one deadly whirlwind of action. The only downside of Vapaad is that the wielder must relish the battle, which by nature, is flirting with the Dark Side. I would not choose Soresu as you have, because eventually your strength would wear down, and provided that your opponent is at least midly sufficient in all forms, he could quickly switch to Makashi and exploit your dwindling defenses.

On to Palpatine's doppleganger. Had he succeeded in entering Anakin Solo's body instead of Brand, the Empire surely would have gone on. Anakin was very strong in the force, even inside of the womb. And I believe that it would be even more reason for Palpatine to accept Luke as an apprentice. He knew that Luke was more powerful than him, or at least believed he was, so his ultimate plan would've been to suppress that power just enough so Luke couldn't overthrow his authority.

That's all I have. Wall of text.
In response to Flexi's question: Teleportation. No question.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Apr 20, 2013 at 08:22 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
The number of walls of text, is too damn high!

I mean damn guys I go to sleep for about oh say 9 hours then there's four and a half pages on time travel and aliens! XD
Oh well at least I read it.
Most of it
I think aliens exist. Just my opinion.
Oh and I'm writing a book about the future and how robots are mixed with society, and the government of oblivion has taken over.
There are different ranks and some robot types are Zander's, zinrius's, hawkes, kveys, gunslingers, mayiflis, timee's, mpk's, and aoe's. among all the other members of the clan.
Last edited by ysome; Apr 20, 2013 at 09:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Regarding aliens, since most of the discussion has already occurred, I have only one thing to add. Any alien species with the capability of travelling here, to Earth, would paradoxically have no reason to come here or make contact with humans, or any other species on Earth. We are not sufficiently advanced enough to be useful or to be a dire threat to them, and as for the resources of the planet and solar system, Sol would provide only a fraction of the amount of energy that can be obtained elsewhere.

Lightsaber form: Probably a combination of Makashi and Trākata. Aside from the stylistic appeal, I believe that to use a lightsaber in the most efficient manner, a practitioner must also discard all of their preconceptions of what a sword ought to be. Due to the nature of lightsabers, fluidity, precision, and the ability to deactivate the blade are essential in using the weapon to its fullest potential.

Superpower: The power of "cogito ergo sum". So long as I am aware of myself, I will continuously revert back to my default physical and mental state. Mind controlled? No problem, I can regain control of myself. An explosion? As long as it happens fast enough, I can reform my body before I truly "die".