It's duls.

Well, well, well. I got some random inspiration from absolutely nowhere.

I'm making a new set, just to let everyone know.
It's based off some car I thought looked really cool.

It'll be hard to map a car idea into a tori, but I'll see how it goes. I already have ideas,
but I'm having trouble with where the wheels should go.

If you guys want to see a pic of the car, here you go. (Not a small image)


'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
Originally Posted by treestand View Post
so Ethr whats going on

@Abdy, so this isn't spam?
I was just reflecting on how great the clan is.
You guys are bloody active.
I didn't even know I was an ally :P.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
well on you and patrick post here. prox too if we are lucky

damn ive been on since 2 pm and its 5 am im going to bed guys. see you soon
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
First off - I would like to say welcome to the new members / members I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet. I hope you enjoy your stay in Ethereal and if you have any problems with people in game / forum. Or if you just have a problem in real life and you want an ear. Feel free to PM me, I'll be happy to help.

Second - Cozzakill, that quote is from the tenth page, this is now 837. Keep up
And yeah, we are active, maybe too active, but it's all good. I love everyone in ethereal and I'm glad they do post.

Thirdly - Ave, stop staying up so late. Get some much needed rest. And well done on your betting. I'll take my 99% cut of all profits now.

Fourthly and last - I want to thank all Ethereal members for trying their hardest. I know we have been rough the past few days. But to get official, change needs to happen. Once we get official, you can spam all you want as Abdy said, we will just manage the posts then. But for now, all I ask is that you play by our rules more strictly please.
And if you get official, I will post boobs. (That comment cannot be held 100%, that is up to you to decide if I will do it. There is no promises being made. Making false hope under that accusation is exactly what I want.)
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Originally Posted by Abdy View Post
Glad you had fun and Cobra please be active in this dsc without spam.

We really need this official so we can moderate the board of all spam and useless posts. So stop spamming now and you can spam on the official board if we get it and we will remove it. So it's a win win. We get official and you can post all you want but we clean up your garbage posts and moderate them.

Ok but, where did i actualy spam? I dont see any spam from me.

Anyways, i can make a clanvideo yes but, it would be better if its easy to see what replays belong to who etc., so ave if you can get the replays pack them in a .rar file with folders like this: TheCobras Replays , Avengd7xs Replays .. etc etc.
Originally Posted by MrGarry View Post
What's your real name? : Garry
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : Black Belt
How long have you been playing? : Since 3 of December, 2011 on this acc.
Current Country / GMT? : Australia/ GMT+11
Former Clans? : Damned, Legacy, Escape.
Why you left/got Kicked: Clan pretty much felt apart.
Any Skills For the Clan? : I'm originally Russian, so if Ethr would have clan wars with other clans I would happily help with translation stuff.
How active are you forum-wise? : Checking stuff everyday. (9/10)
How active are you In-game? : Pretty much every day (8/10)
Any Bans? : Nope
Any recent major infractions?: Nope
Any Alts? : Yes
If you have alts, list them here: I had one but it was a while ago... I think the name on it was karas971 or something like that
Did anyone refer you?: Avengd7x
Will you follow the Rules?: Of course!
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) : Pretty much everything is said already, I guess. If u have any q's, feel free to ask.

P.S. I don't really play single player much so I don't have a Single player replay...
Can post more if needed
Forgot to say something - coz I had this old account which was Blue Belt, you can count I'm playing since beginning of 2011.

This goes in recruitment thread.

Originally Posted by patrickooo View Post
idk about that.. but the minimum belt is 2nd dan and you are black..
let's make the choice for the members

You aren't part of the clan. So don't do this AGAIN!!!

Originally Posted by MrGarry View Post
OK, one more replay to make sure I'm not a noob -

MrGarry this spam is really pushing me to a no.

Originally Posted by MrGarry View Post
Thanks for your opinion, appretiate it

Again :I

Originally Posted by patrickooo View Post
i don't wanna spam here, so just take it easy..

and avengd, wanna go in-game?

Dude, stop the spam, I'm tempted in banning you from this dsc.

Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
THE IRONY, what you posted was spam and you said you arent trying to spam

also /jo duls or dulz i forget which one

Ave talking about spam is spam but keep up the good work on trying.

Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
@Abdy, so this isn't spam?
I was just reflecting on how great the clan is.
You guys are bloody active.
I didn't even know I was an ally :P.

Amazing, Some meaning.

Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
Ok but, where did i actualy spam? I dont see any spam from me.

Anyways, i can make a clanvideo yes but, it would be better if its easy to see what replays belong to who etc., so ave if you can get the replays pack them in a .rar file with folders like this: TheCobras Replays , Avengd7xs Replays .. etc etc.

You didn't spam. I said have fun without spam. So have fun but don't spam.
Everyone, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU just dammit! i uninstalled steam because i couldnt uninstall cod;mw3 i tryed to install it again, but, it needed a verification or some shit, so it said that it send me an email, but it didnt! it isnt anywhere! it isnt in the spam, it isnt in the normal box, so im basicly fucked up, i had like 16 games there which i spent my money on... i checked every email i knew, it wasnt there, i even checked my mums, and accidently deleted the whole spam folder when i was looking for that message, so that made me even more fucked up cause she had some important information about some shit there, i feel miserable ._.

Abdy, Well, good to see you get things straight again.
Well, y'know, there's always a "resend verification" button. :s
Check to make sure you typed in the right email, etc.

Ave, I don't think I'll be able to participate in the tourney.
I really, really am sorry.
If you don't mind, could you please send back 1k to Nyann?
Originally Posted by Abdy View Post
So stop spamming now and you can spam on the official board

Well actualy you did tell me to stop spamm meaning you think i did spamm. Maybe it was just a little fail but ohwell.

Also we cannot spam when we have an official board. Its not allowed to do so and the clan might then get removed so i guess i cant spam even if we get official.

Anyways, thanks for your warm welcomes guys ;)
I'll be on all this week due to school holidays \o\
So be prepared for a but rapeing :3
Aswell, anytime your hosting a bet server and you need someone to take it,
tell me I'll be happy to help. :3