Endurance Onslaught 6.0
What do you study? And what do you play? Some Overwatch perhaps?

Well we try to do something together like once a year. I guess Clan league is coming again in summer so perhaps we can bring some members back from the dead and participate.
Im currently going through a couple of classes at a technical college but once I transfer to my four year I'll be majoring in Fine Arts, more specifically, Illustration. In the next couple years or so, college will really being stomping down on me so I'm kinda taking it slow right now.

As far as other games, I play almost anything. I haven't been playing too much Overwatch because the people I play with get tilted pretty easily, so Its just no fun trying to play games like that with them. But I do play Rainbow six and Battlegrounds a lot. I also play a shit ton of For Honor, even though it pisses me off.

My steam account is Colo if you want to add me, Im on pretty consistently. Also a clan league sounds nice! I just need to practice and try to remember some stuff. I'm currently going into lobbies with zero memory of anything except basic movement. It's kinda embarrassing lol.
Last edited by shadowXcor; Apr 30, 2017 at 09:53 PM.
So it's 8 years in total to get that major? I'm not sure how the system works in the US.

Oh ye I get tilted from Overwatch too. The cast time of abilities sometimes tilts the shit out of me. I played For Honor beta and even league of legends didn't make me that mad, lol. Playing with Orochi was pretty fun thou. Are players active in the game? I haven't heard anything about for honor since the beta.

Sent the friends request. I think I picked the right Colo.

I still remember my old opener in aikido. But ye I play like once a year and I can feel that my control of tori isn't as good as it used to be. I don't know how I spent countless hours making replays and making everything work how I imagined.

Oh ye guys I got the pass for Rum Storage. So PM me if you need it.
I think you added the wrong Colo lol.
I should be the one with the weebish Asuka photo.

Also For Honor is pretty great. In a way, it sorta reminds me of Toribash and its community. Its small and the community often knows each other well because of its kinda small player base.
Asuka best eva grrl.
I added you on Steam, shadow.

For now, I only play GTA V, Payday 2, and EDF 4 when it comes to online games. Other than that, I bought Alien Isolation few days ago, I'll try it later this week, heard it's very terrifying.
on ps4 i got banned from overwatch on competitive so i switched to pc and play overwatch there xD

ps4 got rly bad costumer service btw xD
Y'all boys still alive? Thats such a beautiful sight. I've been MIA for however so years due to college (it sucks) but I really missed this. I'm about to be a junior in college man its crazy that you guys are still here and I was a member when I was in high school.
You're also welcome to love my Replays