Toon, you barely ever work with your team, you just go in solo, die and then blame them for failure, or the exscuse you used when you were playing with me " Have no sound so I can't hear pings, sorry for fail " .

Is it worth getting grungy nunu skin? , I mean I like him an all and I personally like the look of the skin (him being cookie monsta and all) but I was wondering if you guys thought it was nice because right now I have 1k rp sitting on my account waiting for zed to comeout but If he doesnt come out by this friday im buying a skin for someone I enjoy playing ( e.g Nunu :3 OR maybe the new maokai one )
So thoughts people?
♥ mushu♥
The only maokai skin is the christmas special one.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Do you guys play:

Hide and Seek

King of Scar

on LoL? I'd love to get together on NA or PBE server sometime and play those minigames.
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Numbers I knew your ass when it was your name was a timestables. And you know what. Stfu you have no idea how bad my luck is. everyday all day getting paired with newbs who cannot/will now work together.

It seems the only common denominator between all your bad games is you. I've read your posts and it seems like you're nothing but a 11 year old troll who refuses to admit it. You wonder why no one wants to play with you but you bad mouth everyone who posts in this thread. People who have played with you complain about it afterwards. You wanting to break the meta is fine, but you doing something completely moronic such as refusing to use an item or leashing your jungler (which is an act of common courtesy (look into it)). Honestly, if you want to talk about League, that's fine, there's no need to curse at someone every time you post.

Everyone else, if he does something dumb or something you don't agree with, there's no need to rag on him every time. If it's commonplace, just ignore it. I guarantee the thread be a lot more positive in general (as positive as a thread on this game can possibly be).

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Hey, I asked for them to drop it once. They keep bringing this bs back. They gonna keep it up why should I have to stop 1st?
If you don't bring it up, they won't anything to rag on you about. It's called nipping it in the bud.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
you know, that shit like atmas, maw, warmogs, frozen mallet, thornmill etc.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
played olaf a couple of days ago, got extremely fed and i went

boots x3 pots
Hog and philo
glacial shroud
frozen mallet
frozen heart (they had a fed ezreal)
maw of malmortius
randuins omen

these things are of course slightly situational
for example

warmogs/guardian angel

EDIT: let me rephrase this a little bit. build olaf after the enemy team. they have cc? mercs (your ult doesn't exactly last forever) they have high physical dmg? frozen heart and randuins, they have magic? maw of malmortius is a good option, if you want to be an engager frozen mallet, shurelia's, ga and some other things that give hp would be nice. Hell you can even play support aura olaf with aegis, zeke's and shurelia's
Last edited by laststand; Nov 6, 2012 at 10:56 AM.
I'm a fucking professional!
Originally Posted by Dose View Post

Most new champs get nerfed after a week of being free, but Zed might get nerfed before that. Incredibly OP late game, I absolutely thrashed an Ashe, Soraka and Nidalee the same level as me (eighteen) when I was on less than half health. I think Zed can actually out do Darius on being this OP.

Not elise they aren't She's actually getting buffed next patch.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.