Originally Posted by Ed View Post
cept, you don't want to mash q to farm with irelia. Only use q if you misjudge your AA and would otherwise miss the last hit, or else you'll go oom. It would be wise to pick up a philo if you are having lane/mana problems.

I over-exaggerated quite a bit, but yeah I know what you mean. I usually just use W, get em all low, and q to minions i can't reach. I haven't had mana problems, and I get almost every creep.
Last edited by sham; Nov 6, 2012 at 03:05 AM.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
Just bought irelia, 'dat q is so good for farming... all i do is mash q, and bam.

>be free week irelia
>be playing aram
>get irelia
>bitch about
>no one switches
>omg thischamp sux dix
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
I dont try because I am with randoms who don't know how to work together.

You are the most contradictory person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Over the past 7642865873 posts in this thread you have been going on about how you won't ever leash your jungle, how you will stay in your lane and expect everyone else to take care of their own lane, how you will not counter build the enemy to give your team a better chance. The list goes on and on. Then you come and say this.

Either stop posting here, or stop bullshitting/being an idiot.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
You are the most contradictory person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Over the past 7642865873 posts in this thread you have been going on about how you won't ever leash your jungle, how you will stay in your lane and expect everyone else to take care of their own lane, how you will not counter build the enemy to give your team a better chance. The list goes on and on. Then you come and say this.

Either stop posting here, or stop bullshitting/being an idiot.


Most new champs get nerfed after a week of being free, but Zed might get nerfed before that. Incredibly OP late game, I absolutely thrashed an Ashe, Soraka and Nidalee the same level as me (eighteen) when I was on less than half health. I think Zed can actually out do Darius on being this OP.
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post

Most new champs get nerfed after a week of being free, but Zed might get nerfed before that. Incredibly OP late game, I absolutely thrashed an Ashe, Soraka and Nidalee the same level as me (eighteen) when I was on less than half health. I think Zed can actually out do Darius on being this OP.

But.... Darius isn't op.

Rengar on the other hand, holy shit. Like a red hot wrecking ball with razor sharp spikes.
Because everyone who plays with me cannot stick with the team.
My last game my whole team feeds and then starts KSing me hence why I died alot.

This game is starting to tick me off. You wanna know why I rage alot about LoL?
Because my own fucking friends wont play with me. (meaning people here)
And I always get stuck with fucking newbs that feed. And won't surrender thus dragging the game over to bring my K/D to Negatives. And you assholes think 1 build for everychamp is the best. You idiots obv cannot be polite so you would be bad people to play with. Ignorance in this forum is obv everywhere. People like you aswell uric tick me the fuck off.

And The people that played LoL with me from TB sucked balls. They wont work as a team and talk shit on there own team. and wont fucking be useful and only hide and KS for there fucking kills. So, Until you assholes play a game with me yourself stop fucking talking shit.
Get some common fucking sense. How can I improve if nobody will play with me and I am always with retards?
You wanna know something?
It has been 3 months since I had a good fucking team to play with. Now shut your fucking shit faced dick headed mouths before judging people. Assholes.
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Because everyone who plays with me cannot stick with the team.
My last game my whole team feeds and then starts KSing me hence why I died alot.

This game is starting to tick me off. You wanna know why I rage alot about LoL?
Because my own fucking friends wont play with me. (meaning people here)
And I always get stuck with fucking newbs that feed. And won't surrender thus dragging the game over to bring my K/D to Negatives. And you assholes think 1 build for everychamp is the best. You idiots obv cannot be polite so you would be bad people to play with. Ignorance in this forum is obv everywhere. People like you aswell uric tick me the fuck off.

And The people that played LoL with me from TB sucked balls. They wont work as a team and talk shit on there own team. and wont fucking be useful and only hide and KS for there fucking kills. So, Until you assholes play a game with me yourself stop fucking talking shit.
Get some common fucking sense. How can I improve if nobody will play with me and I am always with retards?
You wanna know something?
It has been 3 months since I had a good fucking team to play with. Now shut your fucking shit faced dick headed mouths before judging people. Assholes.

You make it sound like your the victim of a horrible, horrible tragedy, and that we should feel sorry for you...

Also, friends? What friends? I don't see any of your "friends" here, we all think your a tad bit crazy. You've lost of all of your "friends" with your blatantly stupid posts.

You're wrong. You're bad. You're not smart. Stop. There's a reason why you're the only one receiving hate in this thread.
Last edited by sham; Nov 6, 2012 at 04:27 AM.