I know cole was on quite a bit today. You can try to find him or swepples ingame tomorrow. Flows internet is all messed up atm so idk if you'll be able to find him ingame
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Get on Discord Tantoe, every time I've tried to find you for a test you've been afk or offline.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I was trying to be active on Discord on my old laptop, forgot to download it for my new one thats why I haven't been on xD

Anyway I'll make sure to look atleast once a day to get my ingame skills "certified"
Nothing is as beautiful as mediocricy
Hey guys wasup. I was thinking you should totally make one of those threads where everyone says one word at a time and also a Mad Libs thread. Thoughts?
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
We have that 3 word story thread but its kinda dead. We can totally revive it tho it just got out of hand at the end because people were just being nasty at the end and Cole has been wanting to make a madlibs thing, you can totally pm if you want to chat with him aboot it
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I have a funny story that happened to me a while ago when i was in college but its funny i think, and its alot longer than 3 words xD
one time i was with these two chicks i hung out with every day and we were going to the bank so i could pull money out, i came out of the bank after i was done and i got into backseat of there car, only to realize there was an old bald guy infront of me kinda shaking a bit gripping he door handle tightly, i was like wtf, theres an old guy in this girls car now? ohhh fuck wrong car, i had gone so far as to buckle my belt, but i had to like awkwardly get out, and tbh i dress in a black leather jacket and was wearing my gangster stripe (yes the name of the pants for culinary was gangster stripe no joke they costed $45 a pair) and i look kinda tall with this stupid fucking NY snap-back xD so he probably thought i was gonna mug him or something xD
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
i cant help but be so confused when i have 47 new notifications in one day, i also cant help from being so confused on why they are all from mike .-.
and i cant figure out.... why mike... sent me.... 47 chronos items......
Haha mike thats awesome that musta been so awkward xD did they have thr same car and everything or were u just derpin
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
same car but tbh it was a derp moment cause i just got out of the car all casual like but was awkward for me, like it was supposed to happen then just walked over to there car as i see them laughing there asses off, and Jesus, i thought i should send my blessing and prayers and all that i had, so you get 47 chronos grips from me. please pass the message to the big guy upstairs x'D
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 25, 2016 at 08:30 PM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White