Originally Posted by God View Post
Hey guys, I wanna join

Lol at the little rep thing: "God is infamous around these parts."
Because evil said so.

Ohh, and also because your user name is God, but you have an artist's impression of Jesus as your avatar.
Last edited by Rai; Jun 7, 2010 at 11:59 AM.
If you were god you'd know we'd reject you before you even posted. Well, I think if you were anybody you would know that by now. :>
i would like to join [NO] because it has been one of my favorite clans since a started playing toribash and no offense to other clans but yours is one of the best...

thanks for your time hope you let me join this awesome clan.
|Join #support For All Your Toribash Problems|RAGE QUIT!|
Name: Craved / Chris
Belt: Blue
Age: 22
Specialty: Any type of art
Mod: Akido and wushu
Why: Well im 22 so i can be mature ;) also on the serious side i feel like getting of my lazy ass and try to get noticed.
What will I offer: art textures and whatever you request...
Past Clans: none that i remember...
Belt Issue: I really have no issue on belt...idc about belt i care about my skill.
Posts: You decide on this one im taking a shot in the dark and say they are pretty low.
Replays: Only one i will make some more

SlamDecap.rpl i will get more...
Last edited by Craved; Jun 13, 2010 at 07:27 PM.
holla holla get dolla
Originally Posted by Craved View Post
Name: Craved / Chris
Belt: Blue
Age: 22
Specialty: Any type of art
Mod: Akido and wushu
Why: Well im 22 so i can be mature ;) also on the serious side i feel like getting of my lazy ass and try to get noticed.
What will I offer: art textures and whatever you request...
Past Clans: none that i remember...
Belt Issue: I really have no issue on belt...idc about belt i care about my skill.
Posts: You decide on this one im taking a shot in the dark and say they are pretty low.
Replays: Only one i will make some more

Attachment 218254 i will get more...

First off, why in the fuck did you apply to both NO and bncy? That's fucking retarded and you're already not accepted.

Also, you made a lot of crucial mistakes. Such as...

1.) Thinking we care about replays

2.) Never talking to us on IRC.

3.) Not having any past connections with any NO members.

4.) Lying about your age.

For those reasons, I do believe I speak for the whole clan when I say


Have a nice day
Name: Black3083
Belt: Black Belt
Age: 19
Mod Favoured: Aikido, Wushu, Running
What I offer: I will work hard to give good reputation to the clan
Past clans: ELITE-BR, Darkness, Anarchy