thanks but really suspicious about ur reaply on what did u had the DM treshhold? 30? xD
Last edited by Reaper; Oct 28, 2015 at 05:02 PM.
Reapin' on
Did anyone notice our member kizicom was featured on Concon's video?
Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm afraid of toasters.
Hey Guys, recently me rudolph and friends did a new clan and i donated 15k on penta and i will not come back but it is possible to get my 15k for my clan? (if it's possible) c:
Originally Posted by Knakies2 View Post
Hey Guys, recently me rudolph and friends did a new clan and i donated 15k on penta and i will not come back but it is possible to get my 15k for my clan? (if it's possible) c:

Sorry, bro you chose to donate those by own free will. So i dont think it will be possible.
Well I don't know what to say about the tc thing... Muhuu is right but Id feel like such an asshole if I took the tc.
On the other hand you shouldn't have donated so early and I don't really have a good enough reason to give the tc back.
Its like buying an item from the torishop and then asking for a refund... You can't really do that.

Reaperos the tornado kick was pretty nice, lacked speed tho and the end was very stiff. I see we both got into arguments with BFHPRO xD
He said hes better than you and at my level... Your tornado kick is better than his imo but he didn't do a bad job
"Revenge on Boap" I would probably ask what and why, if i would be curious... But im not.
Wish you good luck with that clan.
Hey would anyone from you be the bad boy in my new story with reaperos (i need 4 or more player) Skype: julian.schelp71
Uke me plese I want tu be in yor video.
Uke that replay was much better. The opener wasn't very good, looked like a basic tricking opener tbh.
After the punch you lost alot of momentum and it sucked.
The destruction was nice tho. The last 2 kicks were utter shit but apart from that, pretty good replay.
Last edited by Boaplitas; Oct 29, 2015 at 12:22 AM.
Hey guys, it's me- the goblin king aka; the best fucking member you've ever seen.
You can expect to see some gnarly shit from me or whatever.