Yeah, I didn't like it too. Lol.
But I thought it was worth hanging around with a shitty name at least for a bit before being able to get the nick change. 'cos this acc has 12k qi 8D
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
Put illkickurass back to "normal" (memory state) and added swooya to the roster.
Would be kind if you guys checked your boxes for mistakes or something; I have the feeling quite a bunch could be outdated.
What can I say about me...let's see...I'm 22 years old,I live in Portugal, I work as a musician,more specifically as a guitar player in the area of blues and jazz and since young I was an autodidact in music.

About toribash,I walked a long way to reach the 8th dan black belt, have always been active and I intend to continue to be.
Wushu is my favorite mod since I started playing, I think the comebacks and the improvise makes the games alot more intense and more juicy.
I think that's all (:
I'm 21 years of age and I'm from Germany.
I'm a member of [Addicted] since we started at 2008.
In the time I used to 'grow up' here and I found friends
who are more than just toribash-acquaintances.
In my active times in 2009/10 I used to be a good replay-maker
and I managed to join ORMO back than.
For now I do focus on my way of life,
that's why I'm ingame-inactive atm.

In my leisure time I do play football, do sports or I hang out at my computer/xbox listining to music. Music is my life and I höre sie jede mögliche minute meines lebens !hilfe! ;>

update ^^ could you fix some parts and make it into veteran-english spelling please? <4
It's a pleasure that you shared that information with us!

haha just kidding.

gerbish; wusste nicht wie ich "since we started" schreiben sollte. Sollte eigt. heißen: seit anfang an (since the very beginning`?)
Yep. Since the very beginning sounds just right.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''