Originally Posted by threeeD View Post
How do U upload a mod?

The mod uploader and auto-updater
Here is a link where you can upload mods to the auto updater.
Mods should appear on the servers and in the clients within 10 minutes after they have been uploaded.

When uploading a mod follow these rules. failure to will result in your mod being removed.

1. Mod name: Do not title the mod with anything unnecessary in the beginning i.e. "0", "[", "(", or anything else to make the mod appear at the top of the list. Remove it before uploading the mod. Don't name it "1.tbm", "mymod.tbm", "test.tbm", "[yournamehere]smod.tbm", or anything like that. Don't put your name in the mod title, if you want your name in it, open the .tbm and put it inside the mod. Don't use spaces in your mod title, use "-" or "_". If you do not follow this simple rule, your mod will be removed, and you will be asked to re-upload it with a proper name.
Edit by Jarmund: I just removed around 10 mods that didn't follow this rule, so obviously i will need to continue to do so until people get the point.

2. Game rules in mods: Remember to test your mods for appropriate game rules, such as engageheight, engagedistance, matchframes, and turnframes before submitting. The mod uploader is filled with mods with poor turnframe settings or settings that don't match (i.e.10,10,10,10,10).

3. Do not upload blank mods, mods that are not yours, or mods that have already been uploaded.

4. Mods are automatically approved now. but that won't stop me from checking or removing them.

Originally Posted by oranganeh View Post
can i ask

how to play mod running kido

Not the right place.
But anyway, it's aikido with a larger dojo, you start further apart, and the turnframes are 20 so you can run at each other.
To play, you just run until you reach the opponent, then improvise.

Originally Posted by GbrngFol View Post
all the mods i try 2 download dont work any idea y

Any more detail?
Things like "they won't load in mutiplayer", "they won't load in single player", "I can't even download the file", etc. help more than "omg mods y u no work?!".

Originally Posted by luigy69 View Post
how i inactive a joust mod option?

To switch mods, you can type "/loadmod [modname].tbm" or "/lm [modname].tbm".
To go back to classic mode, you can type "/loadmod classic" or "/lm classic".

Originally Posted by HolyDemon1 View Post
why does i don't have a ABD mod?

Download it here.
cant someone make a mod where u can fly?
just asking do you get tc if you make a thread?
has anyone been on lightningfighters mod??
Last edited by Damon1; Aug 24, 2011 at 08:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Damon1 View Post
cant someone make a mod where u can fly?
just asking do you get tc if you make a thread?
has anyone been on lightningfighters mod??

Flying isn't really possibly with the modding features we have.

No tc.

Yes, I played it, the players are fast and can explode.
Originally Posted by tessh View Post
how to criate a mod?

go to mod tutorial in mods section
Last edited by fett175; Aug 26, 2011 at 10:46 PM.
<fett175> So what you're saying is, I can type whatever I want here and it will be at the bottom of all my posts?... AWESOME
Does the 16 or so objects than can be added include the joints?
i.e. i wouldnt be able to make a whip with 16 chain thingys because none of the joints would appear?
<fett175> So what you're saying is, I can type whatever I want here and it will be at the bottom of all my posts?... AWESOME
Originally Posted by fett175 View Post
Does the 16 or so objects than can be added include the joints?
i.e. i wouldnt be able to make a whip with 16 chain thingys because none of the joints would appear?

No, joints don't count towards the object limit.