Originally Posted by PerfectBro View Post
once you are broken. there isn't any going back

Originally Posted by PerfectBro View Post
nay they say yay thee say

Hi. Can you please stop randomly posting little quotes like these?
I find these highly annoying and pointless.


ToriPrime and ToriVIP are not permanent, but they are definitely nice to have.
"I find these highly annoying and pointless."

You randomly sprout little posts like these.
They're highly random and are pointless to the conversation that most of the members were having.
The topic never died. This topic started in the middle of another topic about you sprouting random quotes.

Whatever, I'm asking you to stop in one of my nicer tones. Can you please fulfill my request?
Hey guys, chill please.
I think that there's no reason to post random things like that Perfect, and creati0n, you should pm him the next time.