I is deh authorities
honestly same

Aadame's Moderated Message:
Last edited by Aadame; Oct 24, 2018 at 10:49 AM.
Originally Posted by Instep View Post
We all know I have the most authority here

Yes, no one can greet the way you do

Soz, I disappeared a couple of days, I'll be more acitve round here now (might disappear for a while again about two weeks from now, I'll be back tho, okno)

ya'll nees jesus dark souls
Also, the new season has began in fh, so that doeant help, okno^3
lowkey its has something to do with that weird case where you found the room painted in blood and now you are running for your life because someone is stalking you etc etc
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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wasn't able to find the story and I went even to page 700, but I got some Onsola highlights


<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
wasn't able to find the story and I went even to page 700, but I got some Onsola highlights


Oh shit, he found out (Ull quote it later when I get home, for those who dont remember, okno)

Ban those imposters already >:c