

Somethings that you will probably ask me:

1. Why were you banned?
A. I was banned because I was "harassing" DJVenom. I sent him a message saying how I dislike his attitude, and I made a few jokes about him in game. (

2. Do you regret any of it?
A. Not at all. That as hilarious. I'm still drying myself off after peeing myself. lololololo

3. Which is better? A chocolate covered raindrop or donkeys earwax?
A. Both. Maybe at the same time.

You guys seem to have handled yourself's pretty well. Good job. Loving the replays you guys have sent in. I would give CnC on them but I can't be bothered.. So... They're all good! <3

Good to be back. :P
Originally Posted by Darkerharder View Post
new replay fo the vid. cnc please

Dms look nice but the movement is a bit messy and twitchy... its a nice replay overall keep doing the good job

Back from exams and all that stuff, yay *sigh* Welcome Combatfox, nice replays you got there, I hope you will stay with us in backflips :P.. gonna work on a replay or two (Lost my skill due to having a little bit of time to play tb) But I'll try, P.S: anyone online?
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
Originally Posted by Potram View Post
Dms look nice but the movement is a bit messy and twitchy... its a nice replay overall keep doing the good job

yeah hehe ik. coz of the gravity. but yeah thx dude
Originally Posted by maro6162 View Post
Back from exams and all that stuff, yay *sigh* Welcome Combatfox, nice replays you got there, I hope you will stay with us in backflips :P.. gonna work on a replay or two (Lost my skill due to having a little bit of time to play tb) But I'll try, P.S: anyone online?

omg "combatfox" do u take drug maro? D: lol
just a fancy signature
Hey guys! im the new trial member! This is pretty bad time to my trial tho since i cant play for atleast in a week ;-;.