Hey guys! I'm sorry for not posting for a bit; I got locked out of my account on mobile and had to reactivate the old email I had for my account, then change the password and email.

Something was up with my gmail... I forgot my password so I had a thing sent to my gmail to recover it. I sent it a few times but never got a message. I even checked the spam and stuff. Eventually I remembered my password.
a spoon.
Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
Something was up with my gmail... I forgot my password so I had a thing sent to my gmail to recover it. I sent it a few times but never got a message. I even checked the spam and stuff. Eventually I remembered my password.

Yeah there's an issue with password reset emails. If you lose your stuff again just use an alt to PM an admin and they'll either send you a reset email themselves or just reset it on the spot.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
You'll need as many previous emails as you can remember(They can see in the past)
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Hey guys, been a while haha. I've been busy with college and life in general although I've got some free time on my hands, I'll try to post more. How have you all been?
Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
Been a bit busy with college as well. Christmas break is after next week tho, so that's cool. My cousin also got married two days ago. He had a beach wedding which was really nice. The food at the reception was great. I have liquid shit now because I ate way too much vegetables. I don't know if that's an everyone thing or a me thing.
a spoon.