Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
You guys make me feel sad, not going to post here anymore.

Sorry Avengd7x.

D: dont leave me ;~; anywhore..... that bitch wasnt there for my 3:30 appt... i waited for like 20 minutes UGH life sucks
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Flamez, I certainly do apologize, but there's a limit to so much stupidity that I can take until I start blatantly calling individuals unnecessary titles.
Also, why must you put quotation marks around ignoring?
If you are trying to show sarcasm, than I must point out to you that she has already kindly asked someone to stop spamming, yet others continue.

Nyann has been stating good opinions and points, and have had no outlook on them whatsoever.
I'm sick of having to see members not being recognized for certain things that are important to them.
Sure, we all don't have to give them attention, but atleast fucking show them that we've understood/seen what they want attention for.
I mean, my god, unless you've never picked up a book in your life, you definitely won't be having any hard time reading the fucking posts.
If you're thinking that you're going to be funny by posting "Oh, I've never read a book though."
No, you're not funny. If you actually thought that, never speak out anything you think to be funny ever again because your sense of humor is terrible compared to general humor.

If you also thought tl:dr, go pick up a book, and learn how to fucking read.
Alright, bye.

Also, yeah, I might be starting another argument, if one does occur, I'm fucking leaving for being so fucking stupid by starting ANOTHER argument.
None of you may care, fine by me.
The only reason I stay in this clan is to have connections to Nyann.
If she's gone, I'll gladly leave at any second when I want to.
Last edited by Kiza; Oct 23, 2012 at 11:56 PM.
I wasn't trying to show sarcasm at all. I put "Ignoring" in quotations because you have no way of knowing if people were actually ignoring her. They might've felt that she made a good point and there was no need to back up her statement.
No need to reply to this if you have nothing else to say, as I do not. Let's not start another 3 page argument?
woah woah calm down there. i mean the spam is never going to end. i always listen to anyone rank 3+ in the clan and ill continue to do so. if you think im spamming then just tell me and ill stop. im sorry you feel this way. and i wish you enjoyed being in ethereal. your our only sparrer/ tricker/ good replay maker. and i understand how you would feel more welcome in a clan just for sparring n stuff
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Sorry for causing a commotion today folks. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
Don't worry. I apologized to Shmevin for not approaching the manner in a better way. I hope you still post here after my disgrace.

I want to apologize to all of the clan for this -mess- as we will call it. It was all not needed, and all this arguing will only lead to one thing - Ethereal not becoming an official clan.

I don't want that to happen, so please. Can we not fight, it does no good for us.
We are a family, sure we may not all get along with each other, but I love every one of you guys, for better and for worse. Moments can get a bit annoying with you, and I may lose my temper every so often and lash out on someone (Sorry Shmevin). But I don't mean any of it.

All I want is to know everyone is ok, and if I have offended anyone. I will personally apologize to you. Just let me know.
And remember, I am Rank 2 of Ethereal, so if you have any problems at all, please, feel free to approach me with them. Even if they are about me. I will try my best to resolve them and make sure you are happy with the desired outcome. Thank you.

So please, lets keep our home away from home safe, or else one day we may not have it.
Last edited by Nyann; Oct 24, 2012 at 02:24 AM.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Okay, I'm going to keep this nice and short.
Ave, I'm not joining [Q]. End of story.
Flamez, okay, thank you for continuously bringing up oblivious statements.
Nyann, you haven't made any disgrace, you were just trying to settle this clan down and keep us neat.
Last edited by Kiza; Oct 24, 2012 at 02:47 AM.
Well just got back from and item duel and he didnt send.
Well it either he sends or gets banned.
Anyways we have an idea on the other forum and may any member that has permission to the admin board come and discuss the idea.
Thank you both for enetering the tourney. I'm very excited to host and be in it!
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
LOL. He sent the item with a little gift.
Btw Nyann you are doing a very excellent job. Guys stop spamming plz.
Keep this dsc nice and neat. Nyann is the only one trying to hold us from inevitable doom.


Ave does a good job too. And so does inferno, please don't forget them.
Inferno manages the DSC and our other forum.
Ave deals with making new allies and recruiting people as well as having his in-game reputation and making events. They are both amazing leaders and I wouldn't swap them for anyone else.

Not only have they been great leaders, but they have been amazing friends to me aswell, especially when I needed it, and I thank them for that.
That is the reason I try so hard to keep the DSC neat, I owe them it for everything they have done for Ethereal and for me. They are good people.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech